Gods & GoddesSES
Please note that to the majority of Tam'nýer—a''ns, the Gods & Goddesses are viewed as transcendent truth. As defined by Wikipedia 'transcendent truths' are those unaffected by time or space. They define the world, but are not defined by the world. An example of a transcendent truth is "God is good", or "there is no God". Either way, how one looks at things contained by time and space is a result of the transcendent truth.

God of Time
Lover(s): Sùrelï
Children (of himself): Žraăst'e, Oðæma, Lo'Qît, Czek'athü (the seasons, raised as his sisters rather than daughters), and Vojshā
Symbols: cusur'galli (elephant-like animal)
Offerings: bits of thread/wool, tobacco, silver braids


VüƑ is Tam'nýer—a''s version of Father Time; God and Overseer of what makes our lives align in a linear fashion. Although VüƑ has a little more problem than a conventional God of Time as he is blind. Not even he knows where Time itself is going, but VüƑ wouldn't have it any other way. Sitting, confined in a tight room of his choosing, VüƑ tirelessly weaves. This is probably due to how and where he was born and raised; inside of a coffer in the darkness. Being stuck in the coffer, he collected the dust that surrounded him and turned it into thread, weaving it with his hands for something to do and to bring him comfort in that cold, desolate darkness; he made it his friend.
His one comfort now that he is grown and his family is for the most part deceased, is his tobacco. This leads to the interpretation and understanding that in society, smoking is a creature comfort and a way to be closer to the Gods, regardless of them being passed on or not. It is also the most elevated way to spend time on one's own.
VüƑ weaves tapestries depicting everyone's lives, and despite his 'disability' he manages to get everything picture perfect, permitting us to experience all that we require to for the Greater Design. Something we experienced yesterday may give us the ingredients to aid someone within the next hour or a decade down the road. VüƑ understands the reasons for our lessons, but never truly knows when and where it will fit until the thread becomes woven into the tapestry, which we, in turn, live out.

Déjà Vu is a term coined because of this happenstance; while VüƑ is weaving our individual stories ahead of us experiencing them, things we swear we have already seen or already experiences are little pieces of recognition filtered down to us from VüƑ himself. Those moments of when he mumbles to himself "Ah, so that's when it shows up" are moments we view as "Haven't I already done this?" In more layman's terms, our Soul is catching up to where we are supposed to be. It is also important to know that VüƑ is one of the only Gods that is considered to still be alive, as his self-subjected solitary confinement is what saved him when all the other Gods & Goddess' died. His daughter Vojshā is also considered to be alive and well.
Goddess of the Veil
Parent(s): VüƑ
Sibling(s): Žraăst'e, Oðæma, Lo'Qît, & Czek'athü

Vojshā is an incredibly important Goddess to the people of Tam'nýer—a', as she is the protector of all the other Gods and Goddesses as they are now: deceased. Vojshā is referred to as the Goddess of the Veil and in this sense the Veil is the sky, or the cosmos as Tam'nýer—a''ns know it. It is also the resting place of the Gods.
Vojshā stands guard, protecting her fellow Gods and Goddesses, waiting for the day that all the artifacts are brought together to resurrect her estranged family. At least this is what is assumed by the mere mortals of Tam'nýer—a'. Vojshā's true position is that she is the Gatekeeper of the Gods' new realm that is veiled by the visible cosmos.Vojshā is the sole child of VüƑ, the God of Time, that he actually acknowledges as his child.
She was birthed from the very breath he exhaled when all the Gods perished and a piece of nail he bit off during this moment of anxiety. The emotion he felt, and the pause he took in weaving is when Vojshā came into being out of his desire to protect what was left. The piece of nail that he bit off broke in two under pressure and the two pieces formed into her head and her crown. However, in her birth, her crown actually fell to the land of the Tam'nýer—a'.
The Goddess of the Veil is notably different in appearance to the rest of the Gods and Goddesses. This is attributed to the area that she stands to guard is of incomprehensible size. When VüƑ birthed her, he gave her all the speed of breath and the whimsy of his domain: time. Vojshā is the fastest out of all the gods and she moves beyond the scope of sight and the speed of sound. She not only has wings to permit her freedom to traverse where ever she needs to, she has four sturdy legs, those akin to a horse.

It is said that shooting stars are Vojshā's way of reassuring her father that all is well, that the bodies of their family remain safe under her care and to remind him of her love. In turn, it is thought that lightning is silver thread VüƑ has woven in to respond to Vojshā and to remind her of his love and his pride at her being his daughter.
God of Language & Mathematics
Parent(s): Jn & Nue
Lover(s): VüƑ

Sùrelï is the God of Language and is acknowledged by all races as such, although begrudgingly by the Ãoni simply because they cannot deny his existence. It is because of him that all races almost instinctively know and understand the common tongue; C'eröd. C'eröd is also the Tam'nýer—a''n word for 'voice', an allusion to this gift of having a common tongue which is referred to as 'Sùrelï’s Voice' amongst scholars.
As to how C'eröd came to be though is highly debated. Some hypothesize that it was, in fact, a grand magical spell cast by the God which granted the common language; others whisper that Sùrelï snuck into the room of his lover, VüƑ, and wove himself into the grand tapestry of Time, however, why remains yet another topic for debate. Still, others tell legends that VüƑ, mesmerized by the silken voice of his lover, wove part of Sùrelï into his grand tapestry so his voice would always be with him. The truth will never be known.


God of Manipulation
Parent(s): Jn & Nue
Lover(s): Myusza'si
Children: Tv'ž & ẞäffe'ţ - with Myusza'si
Ilăș, being the father of Tv'ž and ẞäffe'ţ (Lies & Excuses) proves that apples don't fall from the tree. As such, Ilăș is found to worshipped by many who follow a magic or alchemist path in Tam'nýer—a' as magic and alchemy at their core can be considered to be a type of manipulation be it healing the body, or turning one object into another, manipulating its natural composition. This also shows that Ilăș, or manipulation, is not simply a heavy negative connotation in the social construct of Tam'nýer—a''n life.
However, taking the negative aspect into consideration, as if a slap in the face Jn'qwi (Jn's week) has actually been replaced, and is now referred to as Ilăș'qwi due to Jn's ignorant deception and murder of his brothers. Though many may feel that this reformation of the weeks is harsh, as the Divine Family has suffered enough heartbreak, there is still a lingering fear of retribution in honouring the son that tore apart said family.
As some things tend to be, manipulation is something that can be perceived differently on a person to person basis. This ties into the saying 'In the eye Ilăș, of course you would!' and is uttered usually in an argument, playing upon the negative aspect of manipulation, and points out someone who has done a wrong and finds it perfectly all right.
Ilăș can be found mostly represented as the skeleton of a snake.

Goddess of Indifference & Mischief
Lover(s): Ilăș
Children: Tv'ž & ẞäffe'ţ - with Ilăș
With Ilăș , the God of Manipulation, being the father of Tv'ž and ẞäffe'ţ (Lies & Excuses), you might find yourself asking “Well, who's the mother?” The answer is Myusza'si (moo-ee-zuh-si), who is probably the most deplorable of all the gods & goddesses, and that's because she is cruel as well as unrelenting. Why? Because she is Indifference, not to mention consequently Mischief as well. Rip your heart out, walk on it and go have waffles.
However, despite this, Myusza'si isn't tarnished amongst the people of Tam'nýer—a' , unlike Sara'ni (vanity). This is because while Myusza'si is indifference & mischief, she represents to the majority of the people that it does not matter what you do, people will try to destroy you. You are best to be indifferent to the majority, saving your energy and limited time to nurture the good you see, as everything is in the eye of the beholder. Morals change from person to person, and while there are acceptable and unacceptable behaviours and actions, there are always snakes in the grass, as it were.
Physically though, while Myusza'si is a woman, it would be best to mention that she looks like a man. From a scientific and medical standpoint, Myusza'si has micromastia, or very underdeveloped breasts. In layman's terms, she's flat as a board. And guess what? She doesn't care. She is, and she loves it. Now, what about her is mischievous? Well, thanks to her being indifference embodied, she lives for shock value. Making others react is something that one could rightly surmise that she feeds off of. Making Myusza'si and her spouse, Ilăș, a well-fitted and terrifying couple. No wonder their children turned out the way they did. And you'll notice how they all seem to be very interested in what makes people tick.
Myusza'si is more often than not depicted as in the midst of being murdered by mortal standards, but smiling, speaking volumes of what they represent. Over the years though, Myusza'si has gained an addition to her look, and that is in the form of a horn, as the tension between the other races and the Ṅkhya'jra. Again, only pushing the image of her reveling in shock value.

God of Lies
Parent(s): Ilăș & Myusza'si
Sibling(s): ẞäffe'ţ
Lover(s): Sùrelï
Tv'ž, the God of Lies, and subsequently having an affair with Sùrelï, the God of Language. How fitting that the God of dishonesty's only relationship is a clandestine one. Tv'ž is a socialite, always talking up someone, (or down), and for the most part you'd think he was an adept womanizer. You'd be more or less right.
Tv'ž could not be kept from messing with mortals in various forms, either to find some sort of mild amusement for himself or to study how much a human would need to question themselves before developing psychosis. Tv'ž is akin to the general understanding of a trickster god, except everything he says is more or less false, and at the foundation of his being is an academic; ever curious how things work. This is most likely why he pursued a relationship with Sùrelï as Sùrelï made communication possible and the effect it has on every living being.
Another thing to be said about the King of Lies is that whilst he clearly does not have the general morals that we hold and would hope that he was capable of, he does play a good violin. For all his nonplussed cruelty and curiosity, he does not seduce solely through flattery and formal pleasantries. His drive to learn as well as understand how things tick brought him to music, as it is a language in and of itself. How could such a simple thing move mortals to tears or make them dance? It gives him an added sense of control to play, subsequently causing a rise or fall of emotions in his listeners.


Goddess of Compassion, War, Induced Death & Bias
In memoriam of departed friend
She is the mother that guides her children home, if you happen to be a soldier in a war, and the maiden that brings you death swiftly when injured fatally so that you do not suffer long. She fights for what and whoever she believes in until her last breath. Khayar'l is the tireless fire that burns within individuals that no matter how far they fall, will always stand back up.
She is the heart that believes, and loves without fail, without a chink of doubt in her loyalty. Khayar'l is a Goddess that rivals Q'Tam'šmă in followers despite Khayar'l's existence in Tam'nýer—a''s mythos began by simply being Tv'ž's violin, gifted with consciousness and consequently in some ways becoming Tv'ž's conscience. This evolution of the violin giving the God of Lies a sense of conscience is due to the reality that some lies are done out of compassion for another person's feelings and mental well being.
Despite her origins, Khayar'l, through the eons, has developed a separation from the God of Lies, and now is worshiped as a stand-alone Goddess, with a physicality much different to that of a simple violin.

God of Excuses
Parent(s): Ilăș & Myusza'si
Sibling(s): Tv'ž

While his brother, Tv'ž (God of Lies) is a rampant adulterer, ẞäffe'ţ is constantly failing in every sort of relationship as he is unfortunately only capable of who he is: excuses. The sad thing is is that all ẞäffe'ţ really wants and spends his life yearning for is to be accepted and loved. Because of this it is sort of a global understanding that ẞäffe'ţ is really a reflection of the inhabitants of Tam'nýer—a' as all of us feel at one point or another in our lives that we are outcasts and failures.

God of Vanity & Narcissists
Inspired by a real person
Followers of Sara'ni are usually oblivious of their dedication to the God, but they are followers even if they are unknowing or in denial, as Sara'ni is the patron god of vanity and narcissists. Of course, in places such as Püertagœ, to be called a follower of Sara'ni is an insult, and a damaging one at that, which means it should not be uttered lightly. However, insults as deep as this are not uncommon in marital disputes or falling out with someone, which is unfortunate.
Sara'ni is known to wear a full helmet of gold, which has to cover the eyes, as this denotes the blindness to the outside world, and insinuates how all a narcissist can see is themselves. Surrounded by orbs of blood, this imagery is incredibly dark, but they are sacrifices, or loved ones in a narcissist's life, as they can end up being fodder. Hence, the blood. Sara'ni is a God of no gender and simply is. There has never been a known question of this particular god's sex.
Vanity can be viewed as a disease in extreme cases, meaning that while sometimes being vain is in a person so deeply it is actually their personality and therefore not really 'curable', it can kill that person through reputation. Society is not exactly kind. But that is also why narcissists have a tendency to manipulate, and they do it well. On the outside is all smiles, fine clothes, jewellery. But know that they will be willing to help you simply because it makes them look good to everyone else, not because they actually care. These are the followers that thrive and over time, only a handful of people may come to know the truth, and whatever you say will fall on deaf ears.
Be sure you know which followers it is safe to denounce, and which ones will kill you.

Goddess of Memory
Symbols: aktanas (butterfly)
She is what makes you who you are. She allows you to hold onto those moments that give you the experiences you need to navigate through life. She allows us to hold on to loved ones who have passed. She is Rxya', also known as Memory.
In tapestries, sculptures and art Rxya' is usually depicted with her long and wide flowing, sleeveless robe. In her robe, there are no seams, no lines of fabric that would mean it would have had to been cut in order for it to be and is where her power resides. It is even proposed that the robe is actually her flesh, and one with her being.
The pattern of this fabric, or skin, is the living memory of each and every individual of Tam'nýer—a', being imprinted as it is happening. The memories are living in a sense that Rxya''s robe is akin to a television, as each 'bubble' on the robe is someone living their life and recording their experiences as they happen. This makes her the bookkeeper of all your sins and all of your virtues.
It is said that if you commit too many atrocities against your fellow man, Rxya' will discard you, cutting you out of the cloth, and taking away who are. This is believed whole-heartedly given Rxya''s birth story;
Rxya' was born out of Atharva storing her time and patience and VüƑ. While these two are brother and sister, they could arguably be Identical (monozygotic) twins, despite not being the same sex.


Whenever Atharva's time, and consequently freedom was stored up, she was also doing it with the very real threat of Rhīșña'V lurking around the corner. The memory of her fear and oppression by her lover lingered with every bit locked away in the coffer. As VüƑ gained life in the dark, he developed his own memories, his own learnings. In essence, Rxya' was born out of the lingering energy of Atharva's memories and VüƑ's need for companionship as he wove.
In contrary to the belief that Rxya''s robe is made of her flesh, it is also said that the only thing Vuf ever removed from his endless tapestry was a blanket to hide, or protect if you will, his friend born in the dark there with him whenever Atharva would open the coffer and add to his existence. This blanket became Rxya''s renowned robe.
N—'Ƒëkăs, the Bed Maker
God of Comfort, Warmth & Wax
Parent(s): Sty-kopös & Oðæma
An odd title, but one that is attributed to the very thing N—'Ƒëkas works with; wax, the warmth of wax when pooled on a surface, and the comfort that it brings when people push into it. That gushy warm all encompassing feeling, like pressing into warm dough for a pie. Okay, enough with the weird feels, why 'the Bed Maker'?
It is said that because Nue is the living moon, and the light showing is their hair, because of it's shape, Nue must be sitting on something and indeed Nue is. That fine shape of the moon, where the light of Nue's hair graces us from, lies a bed, or chair if you prefer, made of wax, so that in the breeze with no defenses Nue can stay safe and warm, and ultimately gives hir hair its shape of how we perceive it down below.
The 'Bed Maker', or N—'Ƒëkas is hir proper name, was commissioned by Nýer—a' so that his child-in-law, Nue, could have some comfort and warmth with hir lover gone. The wax would be an everlasting semblance of Jn's embrace. This symbolism is also how Tam'nýer—a''n's understand that wax has a warmth to it until it cools on its own. Meaning that Nue's bed will never cool because shi is there everlasting, which in turn ties in with hir embodiment of companionship.
Ultimately though, N—'Ƒëkas is a God of Comfort, Warmth & Wax. Shi is usually worshiped in the process of building a home, as construction workers usually mark hir sigil into the hearth, or if not, one could pay for his sigil to be carved in it, as a symbol to always have a warm, comfortable and safe home. However, some prefer to use a layman's version of a scorch mark, feeling that it represents N—'Ƒëkas better and will have a higher chance of inviting him into their home for protection.
As a side note, N—'Ƒëkas is a hermaphrodite; having the breasts indicative of a woman, and the penis and testicles of a man.


Nue is considered to be the lover of Jn, the middle child of Nýer—a' & Q'Tam'šmă who killed his brothers in his ignorance, and as punishment died, as his body became the land that is Tam'nýer—a'. As if following the cruel tradition of Jn's parents, being separated but desperately in love, so are Nue and Jn, hence Nue stays close, never leaving the remains of their lover.
Nue is the Goddess or celestial being that is the Moon. It is said that Nue has immensely long, brilliant hair, and that is what is giving off light from it; their hair is the light rays emanating from the moon.
Nue is worshiped in a way that is akin to a lover or a lifelong friend. An unbreakable bond that feels as though it encompasses all; body, mind and spirit. Nue represents companionship, devotion, and friendship. Nue is agape love embodied. Forever orbiting Tam'nýer—a', (Jn), Nue is there. A reminder that such a love is attainable.
Nue's gender is never truly described, even in literature. It is assumed the Nue is either genderless or retains the genitalia of every sex, though when referred to in literature Nue is usually attributed the title of "goddess" as opposed to "god".

The Moon, Goddess of Companionship
Lover(s): Jn

God of Death & Reincarnation
Parent(s): Rhīșña'V
Sibling(s): Q'Tam'šmă, Nýer—a', Bók-T'ak, Sty-kopös, Ižwala', Llunon, W'daṅzî & Praq-huykl'
Lover(s): Bók-T'ak and Q'Tam'šmă (theory)
Children: Pajj'nž - with Bók-T'ak
In Death there is Life, and also vice verse. Rebirth, or reincarnation, is a belief that is alive and well in Tam'nýer—a'. It is well represented in its greatest resource: nature. As plants die, they in turn become fertilizer and help other plants to thrive, particularly in the form of fungi. Which is why Uu'krieuvan, the God of Death, or Reincarnation, which ever way you prefer, is usually the primary deity of Apothercaries and Healers. Albeit, it should be mentioned that when worshiping Uu'krieuvan, and the part of that he represents when it comes to nature and healing, he is usually depicted as a young man.
Uu'krieuvan's smell is distinctive, like that of a dead body; a rather heady sickly sweet, with a bittersweet aftertaste which is forever recognizable. Despite smelling so sweet, animals are repelled by it, as is they know better to approach him. Some people however, may find the smell too alluring to ignore. Akin to a moth and a flame, find themselves laid to rest in a forest to simply slip away and become a garden that will appear as soon as they die with a single lingering neutral gaze.
It is said that with each crossing of the Land, Uu'krieuvan seeks counsel and comfort with Q'Tam'šmă, to better understand tolerance, and share each other's suffering. By this companionship, Q'Tam'šmă will carry Uu'krieuvan across her seas, and bring him safely to another piece of the land, and her dead son Jn. It is actually this crossing that is said to determine the currents of Tam'nýer—a''s oceans.

Uu'krieuvan is brother to both Nýer—a' and Q'Tam'šmă, and was the one-time lover of Air and Sexual Dalliance: Bók-T'ak. Their romance was a whirlwind passion; extremely intense but short lived. From that union came a son: Pajj'nž, the God of Hope. Uu'krieuvan is fond of his child, but found himself more apt to a vagabond life, to tend to the endless gardens of Tam'nýer—a'.
In fact, there is one thing, a theory amongst scholars that should be mentioned. Despite being Nýer—a' and Q'Tam'šmă's brother, and all three of them being siblings, some surmise that Uu'krieuvan and Q'Tam'šmă were lovers as well. However, over time Q'Tam'šmă began to have regrets due to being unfaithful to Nýer—a'. She called off their love affair, and Uu'krieuvan being heartbroken, rashly jumped into a torrid relationship with Bók-T'ak who, you guessed it, is another sister. He did this is an attempt to get back at Q'Tam'šmă for hurting him so deeply.
To top this all off, rather than place her hurt towards her brother, Q'Tam'šmă attributed it towards her sister instead. It created an ever deepening divide between the two sister. Although, with this it subsequently permitted Uu'krieuvan and Q'Tam'šmă to grow back to having a close, loving, albeit strictly platonic relationship.
God of Hope
Parent(s): Bók-T'ak & Uu'krieuvan

Lovingly nicknamed 'Pajj' by the people for short, Pajj'nž is topped with fair hair as brilliant as the suns. For this Pajj'nž was gifted a cap by Nýer—a' in order to 'save his eyesight' and still be able to gaze down upon his wife, Q'Tam'šmă. All humor aside, Pajj'nž is the Shinning Boy of the Gods. Young, energetic, beautiful he is in turn also attention seeking and naive, but nonetheless Pajj'nž calls forth the ever promise of tomorrow with his innate gaiety and conveys this through the playing of his flute.
Surprisingly enough, he is the son of Uu'krieuvan, the God of Death/Reincarnation, and Air. Pajj'nž can be found adorning various doorways and gateways throughout Tam'nýer—a' due to his symbolization of tomorrow - that it shall come because we, the people and Life, prevail.