Psychoactive Substance
Lungs Continent
Püertagœ, Fawzia-Kedet & B'hărăbû
Legs Continent
Sky-Coral Sea
Heart & Throat Continent
Rīdhaūñaī and the 'Neutral Zone'
Pelvis Continent
ZàÞça, Trótskarr
Hands Continent
The Mountains of T-'a'Ţăs'múr
Foot Continent
Zdjętzami Homeland
Ribs Continent
The Emerald Isles
Arms Continent
The Ãoni Coast
Becal Curtains & The Sk'ïenaik Empire
Adcenškus (aa-t-den-sh-koo-s)
Adcenškus may look like an odd glass art piece, but it's actually a type of algae that is left over from high tide and visible during low tide. It is particularly fond of growing in the sand of the beaches and in between the rocks and driftwood left behind as well.
Adcenškus is quite cool to the touch, almost ice like, but extremely malleable. It doesn't hurt in the least to step on. However, it does have a defense mechanism, and that what is all the little moisture beads and what the clear bauble at the top of its stem are filled with. It only becomes
apparent when it's stepped on, because Adcenškus will think it's under
attack and release a scent which is quite strong, but thankfully dissipates naturally over time as it can sting the eyes if there is too much in the air.
Adcenškus is collected, with gloves, for apothecary use, and what it's gathered for is the liquid that is in the pustules, that makes up Adcenškus's defense mechanism. Despite it smelling so strong, it has incredible properties to ease muscle tension and pain. The smell, in safe amounts, can also clear the sinuses in a split second, and is good to rub on the neck and chest if sick. However, just as it is in the wild, it is cool to the touch, so you would not want to put it everywhere on your body. It has to be used in small amounts. As a side note it's smell is that of Eucalyptus and Camphor.
B'ashl (b-aa-sh-ahl)
B'ashl, or seaweed as we call it on Earth, is an obvious prominent type of flora on Tam'nýer—a'. Although, B'ashl is somewhat different than ours here on Earth. B'ashl tends to range in colours, and this is assumed to be because of a defense mechanism. Appearance wise it tends to be a rapid gradient usually displaying a vibrant, almost electric colour to a dull grey, brown or black. e.g. chartreuse > brown, hot pink > grey, sky blue > black.
The bonus of the vibrant colours makes them easy to spot, which also benefits the species of Tam'nýer—a' as well, as half of the B'ashl have another defense mechanism which only occurs when it's too late. When these types of B'ashl feel a strong pinpointed pressure, for example, someone biting it or stepping on it, it instantly releases tiny spines, much like hypodermic needles, which clearly can be quite painful. But as B'ashl is used as an ingredient in a lot of cooking due to its salt content, this can be prevented or 'disabled' by boiling it.
Bowl Needles
This stunning wild flower grows and blooms during the late summer and early autumn. While the Bowl Needles sounds as though it's an ominous flower, it's actually commonly used in medicines for their analgesic properties. Made into a poultice over the affected area over night will cure throbbing aches and burning sensations.
Bowl Needles can also be used in perfumes, but are primarily used as an essential oil to be burned or diluted in water. Bowl Needles have a distinct smell that is relaxing
but rather heady. You wouldn't want to use too much of it, unless you want a headache after breathing it in for a long period of time. The smell is that of lavender mixed with bergamot.
Braiding Tree
Hidden in the Sky-Coral Sea and the Emerald Isles, far from the shores and deep within the forest, this flowering tree is a miracle of nature and lovely to behold. Delicate white and/or pink flowers form long strands when in full bloom and can become so heavy that, when the branches get too long, one must intervene to support them, or attach them to another tree, so that they don’t break under the weight of the flowers. Because of this, the trees are usually found together forming beautiful groves, where their branches are so long and weaving around each other that it’s difficult to tell which come from a specific tree. Hence their name ‘Braiding Tree’ as one needs to braid it in order to keep it healthy.
Fortunately for the people of Fawzia-Kedet and Püertagœ, these beauties have been gifted to both cities by the Khah’Xia more than five Tam'nýer—a’’n years ago, and have since then acclimated to the temperate climates of the Lung Continent. No doubt, they are prized and cherished by the people. They are of course, also particularly dear to the Khah’ population, in part thanks to a somewhat romantic tradition.
The Braiding Tree is often used by the Khah’ as a lovers’ meeting point, since giving one a strand of flowers in full bloom was traditionally considered as a proposition for the start of a formal courtship in the Sky-Coral Sea. That also means that if one is given an invitation to meet by the Braiding Trees, a certain amount of trepidation may be felt.
Brendyr’ză (bren-dir-zə)
Growing all over the Sky-Coral Sea (Uwhang), the Brendyr’ză is a large leafy plant which produces pink flowers very bitter in taste. The petals only, to be collected immediately after the flowers open, are used by the Khah’ to produce a special brew which acts like a very efficient analgesic, allowing them to bear the pain of the facial tattoos they are well-known for. The petals can either be used fresh, when they are strongest, to brew a special tea, or left to ferment with Drîmos sugar for one week into a strong alcoholic drink which can then be diluted and mixed into tea. This drink is called Dyr’ză’šmă.
The drink itself, called Dyr’ză’šmă, is highly sought after and exported outside of the Sky-Coral Sea. However, it will not keep for long, and the less bitter it becomes, the less powerful its effects as an analgesic.
Now, despite the fact that the Brendyr’ză grows everywhere, the Khah’ are very reverent of its powers and do not take it for granted. There are even rumors that the rose-colored petals, if consumed raw and in a greater (unknown)
quantity, would lead one unto a spiritual journey where they could meet their Khah’ ancestors and remember their teachings and wisdom. However, this would be a very perilous journey since too high a concentration of the active substance contained in the Brendyr’ză petals can lead to heart attack or paralysis or even death, and therefore in recent memory nobody has dared undertake such spiritual quest.
भ्तिड्य · Bti’Dya (buh-tee-dee-ah)
This lovely tree is a cross between a Dverī and the Hadhajara, born out of the impossible love between a Ṅkhya'jra and a Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa. It is to be found exclusively on the banks of the Kriti’NJadi River to the east of Rīdhaūñaī, and in the private gardens of the most passionate botanists in Tam'nýer—a’. The Ṅkhya'jran creator of this marvel has not left written notes and refused to share his knowledge of how the tree came to exist, but most suspect a grafting technique, although if anything else was used remains unknown.
Beyond its creation story, however, the Bti’Dya is precious for the simple reason that it seems to combine the qualities of the two flowers into an interesting mix. The flowers of the Bti’Dya tree are very fragrant and a mood enhancer. The bark contains a large quantity of antioxidants as well. Experiments have demonstrated that if the Bti’Dya tree bark is prepared in a similar manner to the Dverī, the resulting food and drink are a powerful restorative of depleted energy levels, the equivalent of a naturally sweet and high-energy drink.
The Creation Story
It is said that a Ṅkhya'jran merchant from डकईभर (Ḍakaībhara, now known as Fawzia-Kedet), after the fall of his beloved city at the hands of Püertagœ and the Sky-Coral Sea, wandered aimlessly and brokenheartedly in Rīdhaūñaī. Eventually, he stumbled upon the Kriti’NJadi river, which reminded him of the beautiful Bluş'taji. As he would often walk the flowering banks of the river, full of bitterness and sorrow, he met and eventually fell in love with a Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa female gathering Hadhajaras. While friendly, she would always refuse his advances, citing Ṅkhya'jran traditions and prohibitions. One day, she jokingly declared that they were like the Hadhajaras and the Dverī flowers, beautiful and lovely in their own right, but too different to mix.
The Ṅkhya'jra took her statement to heart and went away for two Tam'nýer—a’’n weeks. When he returned, however, he had in his hands a Bti’Dya flower (a hybrid of a Hadhajara & a Dverī) which he had himself created to prove to his beloved that if love and a meshing of flowers was possible, then so too was one between different races. In the meantime, the young Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa, who had fallen in love as well, had deeply regretted her harsh words and impossible challenge. She was swept off her feet by the new flower, and instantly accepted the marriage proposal. The happy couple decided to plant both their future home and the Bti’Dya flower on the banks of the beautiful river: the Kriti’NJadi.
Časht'ild (cha-sh-t-ill-d)
Časht'ild is an odd plant. It's a naturally occurring bonsai-sized parasitic tree. This means that at most Časht'ild grows to be six inches in height and grows on the trunks of other trees. Časht'ild grows commonly in forests, and grasslands. Unfortunately though, due to it's location, they tend to get burned up entirely in brush fires during the super summer.
However, this is a good thing for apothecaries as the Časht'ild's carcass usually stays behind. Inside the balls, which are all the branches that have curled in and melted together, lays a gold mine of Časht'ild resin. Essentially after the Časht'ild has been burnt, it unleashes a chemical reaction from the melting of the branches making it a pustule of this resin which has numerous medicinal attributes:
internal and external use to stop bleeding
helps with digestion and constipation
The best part is that there has been no documentation of side effects when Časht'ild is used, making it extremely safe for use. The remaining resin that is deemed too far gone to be used for medicine is usually harvested to heat up and re-melt into a liquid form in order to be used for aromatherapy. Časht'ild smells like earth's dragon's blood, and is considered an aphrodisiac.
Damþî (dam-fee)
Damþî comes in two colours, a deep cobalt blue or a deep purple, and the colours denote the difference of whether it is a cold or warm weather variety, although sometimes the flowers can appear a mix of the two colours. The flowers grow in distinct stalks that can get up to be two feet tall, boasting a multitude of blooms, sometimes up to 50 on a single stalk, causing them to be overburdened and bend over, or break their own stalk.
The Damþî are extremely useful to apothecaries and are highly regarded by those who know how helpful they can be when fighting the common cold. Turning the leaves into a tea, it helps with indigestion as well as congestion, which is what physicians primarily use it for. However, when the tea of the Damþî petals is combined with Žraăst'e’s Fingers is when it kicks into high gear as a remedy for the common cold, going so far as to lessen not only congestion and indigestion but also restore energy, and increase white blood cell production to help fight the virus, though this is beyond Tam’nýer-a’’n knowledge and scientific understanding. It should be said that when Damþî is made into a poultice (using the petals primarily) it can be placed on a wound, and has been found to encourage skin growth.
On the rare occasion, Damþî petals can be added to some dishes and the dish it is more commonly added to is the ZàÞçan dish Fishermen’s Salad, though it began to be added merely as a garnish, some people decide it adds an extra zing to the meal. The only part to be aware of is that the stamen can get to be toxic if you eat more than 5-6 flowers. The stamen can be too potent, and we all know that too much of a good thing can be a bad one.
Dãozc (da-ow-zee-chi)
The Dãozc is a special flower that grows along the forest floors of the Sky-Coral Sea, the vast stretches of the Emerald Isles, and in pampered fields near Püertagœ. These flowers are the pinnacle for hand spun yarns.
The flowers often grow in the form of a large bush, the heads of the flowers themselves growing bigger than that of a grown man's head. The fibrous petals can be harvested after the Ylazmŏl have finished taking the nectar from the thin petals during the day. Be forewarned, if you do not wait for the Ylazmŏl to remove the nectar from the Dãozc petals that you may find them wriggling and flying in to your home to find them. The Ylazmŏl find the nectar to be addictive and cannot resist putting themselves at risk to harvest it.
While the Ylazmŏl find the nectar to be addictive, it is said to have a very strong and almost sticky bitter taste to anyone else that tries it. No other animal seems to enjoy it or chew the flowers, which makes them easy to keep even when other animals are around. Some farmers in Béschmed are actually using them to guard their more prized crops and ensure generous
pollination from the Ylazmŏl. It is also considered a trick of the trade to harvest Dãozc after nightfall when the petals have been tightly spiraled shut for the night. Once harvested it is best to clip the emptied heads from the bush so that it can restore itself and begin blooming new flowers in the following days.
The natural pink colouration can easily be washed away with vinegar, or vigorous washing through hot water with Zlytnoki juices. Once the pink has been washed clean you are left with a soft white that can very easily absorb most forms of dye. If you leave the pink color and wash any items made from the spun Dãozc yarn with hot water, you might find the rest of your belongings being dyed the same color.
Dverī (duh-way-ree)
Dverī are a vibrant crimson flower/bush/tree, (dependent upon age), native to Rīdhaūñaī. That's right, the Dverī start out as a bunch of flowers and with age and more consistent blooms, their root system will eventually combine, thus strengthen and meld into branches.
Despite the strength of their roots and their abilities however, as well as paired with the Ṅkhya'jra's honouring anything of nature, Dverī trees are never used for their bark unless they are rotting and dying. Strangely enough the Dverī bark, when in this state of decomposition, is used as an infuser for cooking as well as making beverages due to the bark becoming exceptionally sweet.
It is worth noting that Dverī are also the national flower of Rīdhaūñaī.
Ekérûvi (eek-eh-roo-vee)
These beauties are some of Tam'nýer—a’’s underwater flowers. Lovely to behold, especially for the Sk'älik and Giyu, the only races who get to admire them in their natural habitat, which is 30-50 meters below water all along the coast, but only between the two Becal Curtains.
The Ekérûvi are fresh water flowers and cannot survive in the salty waters bathing the northern and southern continents, but they are widespread everywhere else, which is great. Not only are they beautiful, but also very useful. The roots, which are very extensive, are good for eating as they promote gut (digestive) health, not only for the Sk'älik and Giyu, but for everyone.
The flowers themselves are toxic if eaten, but smell lovely in the air, which is why gathering Ekérûvi and selling them in Vit'saarèn is a worthwhile occupation. The roots are resold for food and healing to merchants from Püertagœ or B'hărăbû, and the flowers themselves separately for decorative purposes.
There is also a Sk'älik fairy tale regarding the Ekérûvi, according to which the flowers themselves, if exposed to air, can actually help Q'Tam'šmă and her sister Bók-T'ak make peace with one another for the short duration the flowers are fragrant, which is more or less a day from the moment they are cut off from their roots.
For this reason, some Sk'älik can be found simply coming to the surface and offering the flowers to strangers, leaving them on the rocks in the sun, like an offering or letting them coat the surface of the ocean, quite frequently, hoping that Q'Tam'šmă and Bók-T'ak may someday reconcile.
Enktî’Skëzos (n-kuh-tea sk-eh-zo-ss)
Literally meaning “mountain scent” in C'ërod, these colourful mountain flowers are specific to the peaks of T-'a'Ţăs'múr and are very fussy when transplanted elsewhere, requiring dry crisp air and not too much humidity to flower. Many do not survive the sea trip, requiring constant care. The reason why people would want to acclimate them to more temperate regions (and many florists are experimenting as much as they can afford with them, although the key is to bring the flowers in a pot with their original soil) is that their pretty blue color deepens when they are stewed, making for a beautiful and long-lasting ink.
The blue petals also stain if crushed even slightly, so picking and caring
for these flowers needs to be done very carefully else one can find themselves with blue fingers for at least a few days. But the flowers are considered worth the trouble and beloved by all Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa for the simple fact that their scent, subtle but pervasive and long lasting, reminds them of home. A pot of Enktî’Skëzos in the home feels to them like a breath of fresh air from T-'a'Ţăs'múr, and this is priceless.
Férigă (fay-ree-gah)
The southern Pelvis and Foot continents have their own fruit as well, called Féòg and the plant producing it, Férigă is a perennial which grows from a fern-type brush into a climbing vine almost as big as a tree, and also gives us what has become the national flower of Trótskarr and therefore ZàÞça. Férigă trees, which require very little water, are also extensively grown on the mud brick walls of Ñabivtzi, with the double advantage of adding additional crops of Féòg, and reinforcing the protection against the strong winds.
This beautiful evergreen climber is also a fixture of gardens in ZàÞça; because it grows large enough to provide a nice shade and to enliven the pergolas and the walls, but is not so aggressive as to destroy the walls supporting it. The flowers, which are relatively small, have three large petals in a vivid shade of purple and are very fragrant (as much as Jasmine on Earth), thanks to their six stamens, which can be also gathered, dried and used as a sweet spice (think Madagascar Bourbon vanilla) for teas or confectionery. If grounded and mixed with Drîmos sugar, they are also used to make a very tasty purple icing for cakes.
The fruit, Féòg, is equally sweet and flavorful but more like our Tahitian vanilla, with its strong notes of cherry. It is protected inside a soft pod, which for some unknown reason that has stumped botanists for years, turns to a shade of light indigo as it matures. The pod, which is grapefruit-sized but oblong instead of round, cracks open when the Féòg has matured to reveal the white pulp inside. A single Férigă tree can produce over 100-120 fruits per week, which makes it a very profitable complementary crop for families in Ñabivtzi.
Fixanas (fix-ah-nus)
Fixanas is a bush with spiked soft green leaves, that sports berry-producing vines. When the berries are ripe, they are a lavender colour, and beforehand seem almost to glow a pastel blue. Inside, these berries are snow white. While they look somewhat appealing, Fixanas berries contain an acute toxin that causes stomach pains, and ulcers upon eating only a couple. If you manage to eat 5 or more, it can lead to a ruptured stomach or stomach lining.
The leaves are also toxic, however, if dried out, their toxicity is lowered . The leaves can then be ground up and a pinch can be used in tea. You must wait for the bits to dissolve before drinking, but this tea helps with insomnia by inducing sleep. Although, it must be stated that more than a single cup can lead to coma or death.
The most interesting of all this is that the Giyu don't seem to be affected by Fixanas.
हधजर · Hadhajara (ha-da-ya-ra)
The Hadhajara are flowers growing exclusively in Rīdhaūñaī. Vividly colored in various shades of purple and violet, with large light green leaves, they are large carnivorous plants feeding on small insects as well as the occasional Pig’lǿdsž. The flower would open colorful and inviting, its sweet nectar attracting the tiny bird of the same color, which then would be glued into place, and then the petals would close trapping the bird inside, to be digested very slowly over a few Tam'nýer—a’’n days.
Beyond being beautiful and deadly in their own way, the Hadhajara are very useful in the apothecary and for Ṅkhya'jran blood magic practitioners. In the apothecary, the open flowers are carefully cut and dried in the sun for a full Tam'nýer—a’’n day and then ground in a fine dust using a mortar and pestle. The dust, which retains the purple or violet coloring of the flowers, is then mixed with Ynéijusx and used as a gluey facial mask which is said to have highly regenerative properties. In Blood Magic, the dust of the ground Hadhajara is mixed with the blood to highly increase the “binding” effect on the victim or of the magic carried out.
Finally, the Hadhajara leaves, when crushed, are very fragrant and at the same time repulsive to the Sisynum T'enaks, which led to their use for making essential oils, soaps and body lotions to protect against the deadly creatures. Because of the Hadhajara growing exclusively in Rīdhaūñaī, products based on these flowers or their leaves are very rare and expensive outside of the northern continent.
Hk’täs (huck-tasse)
Hk’täs grows all over the Sky-Coral Sea, and it’s so delicious that many Khah’ children are sneaking out, braving the dangers of the jungle floor, just to gather one. It tastes like nectarines before they are properly ripe, zesty sweet and delicious. There’s so much flavor, and so many potential uses too! The red fruit is like a small child’s fist in size, and extremely crunchy. It grows in large clumps of 12-15 fruit, sheltered under big green leaves.
However, all Khah’ children are also taught that eating too many of these (more than three) can be very dangerous, since the core of this fruit contains a paralyzing toxin and they could be left on the jungle floor for the wild animals to devour them at leisure. When prepared, it is recommended that the core be removed entirely for this very reason, and of course the toxin itself can be very useful. For example, in a concentrated solution with Drîmos sugar, it is used to attract and catch
the Miphak, which are entirely too curious for their own good.
The toxin, which does not have any long term side effects in small quantities, can be also used as an anesthetic drug, or even as a recreational drug, based on the concentration. If the Hk'tas cores are not removed and the fruit is prepared with Drîmos sugar as a jam, then even a quantity as small as a donut filling could have a temporary paralyzing effect on a child or even a smaller adult.
Hurtulj (hur-tu-la-gee)
This visually striking orange tree grows naturally on the Foot and Pelvis continents and on the Ãoni Coast (but only where there are no Wôrdiţ kept by the Ãoni due to the soil being particularly rough and dry). It can grow up to 8-10 meters in height (26-33 feet roughly), and its leaves are always a shade of orange. These leaves are remarkable in the fact that they also never fall. In the autumn and winter, rather than be shed, they shrivel up, looking rather decrepit and sinister.
When the leaves are fresh, they can be picked and pressed to make an orange juice which has great healing properties, to the point that if the injuries are deep or big enough, it will encourage the formation of scar tissue. If you heat this juice, it can actually turn slightly alcoholic (think a cooler).
In summer, the Hurtulj are even more colorful because their orange branches are loaded with fat plump fruit in a purplish skin, roughly the size of a small fist, which taste rather meaty and can be cooked just like meat. However, care should be taken that they be skinned completely from their purple skin before cooking, otherwise the husk will burst into flames and destroy whatever food value they had.
The Hurtulj fruit is very prized for its nutritious qualities (one fruit can satiate hunger as much as an entire meal), and if the skin is left whole it would be preserved fresh inside for days after being picked, making it a particularly valuable food for travelers.
Although they are useful trees, farmers haven't exactly learned how to cultivate them on a massive scale yet. This is mainly due to the fact that the Hurtulj are solitary trees and don’t like being crowded, either with other Hurtulj or with other crops. They also need plenty of wind and sun to themselves in order to thrive.
Géinoor (gay-nu-r)
This baby is a giant tree originally from the northern territories, but acclimated to the Lungs continent as well thanks to the pioneering work of a visionary Khah’ botanist. On the Lungs continent it can be found along the Bluş'taji River starting from Fawzia-Kedet and all the way to Kwetz. Its presence only makes the scenery more beautiful as the bark is glimmering with hundreds of shades of blue, green, orange and purple, which are constantly changing based on the quantity of the available sunlight and it’s reguarly shedding of its bark during the springtime.
Sailing or traveling along the River from Fawzia-Kedet to Kwetz and back becomes therefore a natural light show and is considered to be one of the must-do things in Tam'nýer—a’. Efforts to cultivate the Géinoor in the Mountains of T-'a'Ţăs'múr have failed, since the tree needs a lot of water as it matures and its roots go deeper than those of any other trees, allowing them to survive any storms. It needs three Tam'nýer—a’’n years to grow sufficiently before it may produce any flowers, and by that time it would already be 30–60m (98–197 ft.), meaning that only the most talented Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa climbers would be able to gather its flavorful and wholesome bounty.
Every spring, a Géinoor will produce a few hundred seedpods slightly bigger than a grown man’s hand, which each are filled with Noor’liès (think walnuts). However, if the seedpods are not gathered before the end of spring, they would crack and produce a gigantic flower called Noor’lièm. Once finished blooming, the large seedpods then eventually fall from the tree. Gathering the seedpods is a difficult but well-paying job for the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa in the northern territories, because of what the Noor’liès can offer. However, the flower is also very useful for other reasons.
Ghōteni (go-o-ten-e)
Luckily for the physicians of Tam'nýer—a', Ghōteni grows practically everywhere that can host a temperate weather system for a single Tam'nýer—a' week.
Ghōteni like room temperature soil best, but tend to be tolerant, as long as the ground doesn't because so dried up that it begins to clump. Above the surface after around 5 days, leaves will begin to sprout; big, lush green leaves with red veins throughout. Ghōteni emit a distinct smell once their leaves unfurl which tends to spur on a race between people harvesting and animals having a small feast.
The reason Ghōteni are so coveted though is because they are a powerful natural antiseptic, as well as antibacterial food. It promotes digestive health and is reliable to the point that it is the main disinfectant for medicinal tools and cookware. All one needs is a bulb of Ghōteni and to be able to grate it into a paste.
Glîpoţe (glee-pots)
With pitch black flowers (or sometimes very dark maroon), and spotted, prickly leaves Glîpoţe are extremely distinct. Though their leaves do not prickly as fiercely as holly, it can still pack quite a prick. Luckily, it does not irritate the flesh. However, the same cannot be said for the rest of the plant. In fact, Glîpoţe was discovered and experimented with to make ink. However, when it was thought to produce black ink thanks to its flowers, it actually turns a dark putrid green (though on parchment, it turns into a lovely shade akin to that of a forest).
Some Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa believed that because it could transform into such a nice rich shade of green that they could use it for tattooing. Sadly, though, while it goes into the skin green, it painfully eats away the melanin, and due to that appears white. Do note though that because it eats the melanin, the literally pigment of your skin, there it no way to
cover it up!
So, if you truly want something permanent, and white, Glîpoţe is what would be used. Remember though, while the tattooing process itself is painful enough, it eats the melanin. It will sting like a rash and scratching it will make it worse, like nettle, so resist the urge!
Glîpoţe tends to grow, covering rocks, whether in a forest, or grasslands. It likes something to cling to as it is a crawling vine type of plant, somewhat like our ivies here on Earth. That being said, they can be quite hardy, and in ZàÞça they tend to be manipulated to grow up pillars for decoration.
Ilăș' Daughters
While this flower tends to catch the light wherever it grows, don't be fooled by its gentle appearance. This flower is actually not simply just fuzzy soft, but there are some very thin thorns within the elegant mess that are eager to pierce flesh. That's why these flowers are known as Ilăș' Daughters. Furthermore, they also don't harm snakes, and snakes tend to brush up to them closely as it helps scratch microbes and any possible fungal infections off of their scales.
Ilăș' Daughters are a bit odd too, when it comes to our usual understanding of flowers, as these ones in particular tend to bloom
of flowers, as these ones in particular tend to bloom wide during sunset and twilight hours, and shut up tight in full light, as if sensitive to the suns. No one knows why exactly they do this, but it is assumed that it is because the stamen found within the petals do not do well in heat, while the roots and petals flourish rather well and incubate the stamen during the height of the heat during the day.
Being a Trótskarrien native flower, they do admittedly bloom best when in the shade of mountains or sand dunes but with bright light, and can grow in the sand, dried muddy earth, or normal soil. Their roots are by far the hardiest known.
The leaves also hold medicinal properties as they can be stored, soaked in salt water, and ready to apply to small cuts or wounds as a disinfectant. But keep in mind, eating the leaves is not recommended. It can make one feel faint, and potentially collapse if ingested, without any sign of what else could be the matter. The spines, when dried, used to be an ancient form of arrowhead.
Kandanžu (kan-dan-zoo)
These small purple berries grow wild everywhere on the Lungs Continent, and to a smaller extent on the shores of the Ãoni Coastal Region. They are not only edible and nutritious, but they have a lovely hearty jam-like taste resembling our blueberries and blackberries. They grow in small perennial bushes that tend to shed their leaves when the berries mature fully, which only makes them easier to spot and gather. One only has to break the small twig holding the berries to gather them; this, however, is not always without dangers.
The Kandanžu bush has some razor-sharp thorns, and many people have left bloody traces in their rush or if they are careless. Farmers in Béschmed, for example, have taken to letting the Kandanžu grow alongside their fences as an additional protection against thieves. Sort of a barbed wire which produces food as well, and which animals know to avoid. But nothing tasting so good is truly free, and so the extra effort required to gather these delicious berries makes up for them growing abundantly all over the place. The Kandanžu are plentiful also because they mature fast and, once a twig has been removed, another one would grow in its place, with the bush practically renewing itself within a week’s time.
K'wãt (koo-wah-t)
K'wãt is a type of tobacco made for pipe smoking in Tam'nýer—a'. The plant can only be grown at high elevations, and when at high elevations everything takes longer to grow. Inherently, this makes K'wãt a luxury type of tobacco, and therefore a higher-end product.
K'wãt is harvested at the very tip end of summer to get the fullest flavor. When it is halfway dried, it is cut into small flakes, then coated in a brown sugar water. Giving it time to sit and soak in a bit, it is then toasted for a short amount of time using Bu'Ră wood. This not only caramelizes the sugar but gives the tobacco a savory campfire toasted marshmallow-esque aroma.
Given how richly sweet K'wãt is, the caramelized sugars do tend to make it burn faster than most other tobaccos despite being somewhat moist upon purchasing. Being moist at the time of purchase is also a sign of quality, so if the K'wãt you are looking at in a shop or at a vendor's stall is dry; run away. It is not what you want.
Lakăs (la-kuh-s)
added by Dorian
Lakăs is an interesting, colorful fern, and is a plant growing everywhere in the Sky-Coral Sea on the jungle floor or as a parasite on certain trees. When sprouting or very small the Lakăs are a very vivid purple. However, as they grow and mature, the larger leaves start to take on different colors, more often a lighter shade of purple or magenta, or even a fuzzy grey. It can be acclimated and grown on the Lungs continent as well, although it requires special care, as it needs plenty of water and protection from direct sunlight.
All parts of this plant are edible and useful, most especially to the Khah’. The vivid purple sprouts are bitter yet very tasty and full of good nutrients (think salad!). The larger leaves can be boiled together with Grásh meat in a stew to tenderize and give a tangy taste.
The roots can be baked, roasted and ground to make a bitter stimulant drink which the Khah’ have named Tók’Smărrj (literally life-giver in C'eröd). This drink is very similar to our coffee and is currently spreading in popularity as a drink to other parts of the world. However, overdosing on Tók’Smărrj is possible and can lead to arrhythmia and hyperactivity. With this in mind, very often the Khah’ would drink the Tók’Smărrj mixed in one of their sweet teas rather than by itself.
Lágri’mas (lah-gree-mah-sse)
added by Dorian
Growing only in the vicinity of Vojshā's temple, in the mountain range off to the east of Kwetz, on the Lungs Continent, are the small, light-purple and immortal flowers which have been named by the people Vojshā's Tears, or Lágri’mas. They are considered sacred and belonging to Vojshā, and only those making the journey up to the temple are allowed to gather and obtain the blessing for a small bouquet or crown of flowers, which is said to last forever.
Lágri’mas, however, are also priceless for apothecaries, and some may even accost the travelers returning from Vojshā's temple and beg that they be given one or two flowers. The flowers, containing little to no water, are indeed immortal and, using a fine stone mortar and pestle, they may be ground into a light purple powder which is said to cure almost all inflammatory diseases of the joints, and greatly alleviate the suffering even in the worst cases.
Why, one may ask, don’t some poor souls try to gather and sell more of these precious flowers?
In truth, some Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa from Kwetz have tried precisely that in the past, only for the apothecaries buying them to find that such flowers, gathered in violation of the people’s strong faith and belief in Vojshā and the sanctity of her temple, were worthless. For the cure to work, it is said that the flowers must be gathered without the intent to use or sell, and by a follower of Vojshā, and then freely gifted.
Miraile (me-ra-eye)
Looking positively sweet, the Miraile is a large flowering bush, highly sought out for various reasons. For instance, at the end of the cluster of stamens of each flower, there is actually a large nectar drop like earthly honeysuckle and are highly sought after, but that’s because the nectar is one of the most delectable spices in all of Tam'nýer—a' (think saffron).
In contrast to the flower perhaps reminding us of the fragile, and delicate prettiness of youth as well, if you eat the petals of the Miraile when freshly plucked can make you feel absurdly ill. It causes major pain, so it's best to just pick the stamens for their nectar or use them in flower arrangements. However, if you are a decently versed apothecary, you may choose to the dry them, fry them, and them boil the remaining oil into a tea to help with menstrual cramping. The tea is usually referred to as Mirailka meaning, well, “Miracle”.
When it comes to those aforementioned flower arrangements, they are a fresh and coveted addition in this way as well, as they only bloom 4 times a Tam'nýer—a''n year too. Though when they do bloom, one can relax a little as they bloom for 2 Tam'nýer—a''n weeks every time that they are in season.
Muntade (moon-tah-gee)
Muntade Trees are an extremely important component to life on Tam'nýer—a' as they are the sole habitat suitable for high ranking Ãoni as they provide lofty branches that are excellent for nesting, the height that permits to scout one's territory and surroundings, and their bark and leaves are key for medicine.
Muntade Trees are also the only trees that can survive on fresh and salt water, and absorb most of their drink through their scraggly roots which are perfect for growing around, on or through rocks.
The medicinal properties derived from Muntade trees bark and leaves are that it can be used as an analgesic, an antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, and antibacterial. It also contains Vitamin C, and sugar, making it good for a sudden drop in one's blood sugar, although for it to be fast acting in such a scenario it would be best to have Muntade Oil, and applied to the bottom of the feet. In fact, it is best to have Muntade in a salve or oil form to use. With oil, not only can it be applied to the feet, but it can also be used in baths as the vapors from a hot bath can help combat asthma, respiratory infections, and colds.
Néndiaosy (neh-n-dee-a-owsy)
One of Tam'nýer—a''s most recognizable wildflowers is the Néndiaosy. Beautiful rich teal flower clusters growing on thick stalks, and despite their bloomed colour being a very noticeable teal, their buds begin as a bubblegum pink.
Néndiaosy have a long blooming period, that of an entire Tam'nýer—a''n month (3.5 earth years), and it blooms during mid Spring to mid Summer. Néndiaosy are hearty flowers and one vital to the Ylazmŏl’s survival as they offer up so much nectar in such a condensed area.
Fields upon fields of Néndiaosy can be found on the Lungs continent, which is suiting because it is the national flower of Püertagœ. However, while most find the wildflower to be beautiful, some local farmers actually find them to be a nuisance because they grow so virulently, and can threaten to take over crops or gardens if not tended to on a regular basis.
Noîka (no-e-kah)
These pretty, simplistic flowers are more than meets the eye as there is an entire industry based around them; makeup. These flowers are actually grown and harvested by the acre, washed and then compressed into makeup brushes for all of those on Tam'nýer—a' who care, as well as afford, to beautify their faces. Each brush consists of 30+ flowers depending on the size and type of brush. The flowers are chosen not for only for how soft they are, but also for a cooling effect that they have when brushed against the skin. The natural colour of the 'bristles' is also a bonus.
It should be noted though that once washed, compressed and made into a brush, the brushes only last about a year if used every day. By that time the bristles will start to decay in the form on either falling out, breaking off or disintegrating.
But if you are thinking about getting into the Noîka plantation business, you should know that Noîka aren't the hardiest of plants. They will begin to wither without rain or water after 3 and a half weeks and survive in a climate ranging between 28-45 degrees Celsius (82.4-133 Fahrenheit). It's imperative that they don't get too cold, or they will simply die. That is why most of the Noîka plantations are scattered throughout Trótskarr.'
Noor'lièm (no-oo-r-lee-em)
While not as useful as the seeds of the Géinoor, the flower, a gigantic magenta bunch of pollen-producing stamens tend to be gathered by the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa in the northern territories and used as Nîcrraß treats, as those beasts would eat almost anything colorful, and particularly like the taste of the Noor’lièm. It is said that a Nîcrraß fed with Noor’lièm would even move faster, but this has not been proven.
Noor'liès (no-oo-r-lees)
The Noor’liès are small round seeds produced by the Géinoor tree. Depending on how early they are gathered, their color may vary from a deep green or purple to a light brown, and their size would be no bigger than a thumb. The Noor’liès provide a tasty and wholesome snack. The taste is similar to walnuts, but it would be lighter or more flavorful based on the color. Of course, they are also very rich nutrients. They are one of the favorite foods of the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa in the northern territories, as well as Humans.
They can be eaten raw or roasted, and are frequently used to complement other foods. If pressed, the Noor’liès can produce a similarly-colored oil, in the same shades of deep green or purple to light brown as the seeds used. All in all it is a multi-purpose marvel as it can be used as a cooking oil, a seasoning for flavor, and for massage.
Östra (oeugh-strah)
This brilliant spindly flower is commonly found in deserts. While the rest of Tam’nýer-a’ generally have Uçî, a bioluminescent mushroom, to mark Uu’krieuvan’s Path - the foretold path that the God of Death & Reincarnation leaves behind as he traverses the land, in the desert, the god leaves behind Östra. It seems a sweet and romantic notion that in a land usually considered inhospitable to life without much struggle, a Divine leaves behind flowers to pop out of the sand. Of course, they are extremely hardy despite looking so delicate and, if you assumed that they too would be bioluminescent, you are correct.
In true night time - beginning at twilight - Östra begins to truly emit the full power of their glow. If one is lost in the desert, most people
tend to follow them like beacons to lead them through the desert, and most times it saves their lives. In fact, this ‘leading one home’ happenance is exactly how in Trótskarr, the word for home became “Östra”, and when the Greater 12 of Püertagœ left ZàÞça to create Püertagœ, the word went with them. Now “Östra” is the more common way to refer to one’s home in C'eröd.
However, Östra also has another humongous impact upon the world even if the majority of people are not aware, and that is being a coveted flower by the Dëymosþan, a tribal species native to the deserts of Trótskarr, beyond the safety of Ñabivtzi. The reason for this is that the Östra can be made into a tea they regard as valuable to them as alcohol. That’s because in the same aspect that alcohol helps keep their women (who they believe host malicious spirits, or ‘demons’) calm, and their demons at bay. Östra tea does the same thing, and is far easier to make than waiting for things to ferment.
As the world's species mingle however, it has brought Östra tea into societies that use it recreationally, making this resource highly sought after, and arguably the most expensive tea on the market. It has even become the Dëymosþans main ticket into societies outside of their tribes, making warriors into part-time business men when they can afford to not supply it to their women. It has even made a bridge, if you will, in getting some Dëymosþan out of the desert and into bigger cities. As the tea becomes more and more known, it has created a rather insidious meaning to the phrase "I am going home." or "I am coming home." by users.
Owa'-Owa' (o-wugh o-wugh)
added by Bad
The Owa'-Owa' tree stands at around 15 feet tall, when mature, with a thick canopy of hand shaped leaves and brilliant red flowers that bear a similar shape. With branches akin to a willow tree one must be careful when treading next to a Owahowah as the slightest breeze can lift a slender tendril and any nearby will be struck by the leaves. A soft breeze is akin to a pat but go out there during a storm and you’ll come home looking like you lost a bar fight in the worst corner of the city.
However, as awesome as the Owa'-Owa' is in maturity, it proves an incredible resource when it is a juvenile and this is because only during the younger years of this tree’s life is it possible to farm the sap that runs close beneath the bark. Special tools must be used in the gathering of said sap as any sudden movements causes it to react and swell. It can take on any form and fill any crack or crevice, even bond stone and metal together, the excess can be trimmed or filed away which makes it an incredibly valuable product. Because of its incredible bonding capabilities it has come to be known as Snap Sap, and it seems not to be able to be replicated when an Owa'-Owa' is grown safe from the elements of the wild.
Josh M.
Phytaceae (f-i-tah-say)
Phytaceae are a variety of odd, quick growth macroalgae that pop up heavily around the edge of tidepools and sporadically along the rocks when it is low tide. They usually only take about 2 hours to sprout abundantly. However, Phytaceae tend to be short lived due to birds, as well as Græsh, feeding on them ravenously when they appear as they act as a multi-vitamins to various avian species. Needless to say, the shore is a popular place for avians to feed at low tide.
If a Phytaceae manages to survive to the next low tide, its spread may surprise you, as it reproduces via mitosis four times every 17 Earth hours (17 candlemarks).
Pt'stroka (peet-stroke-ah)
added by Wiskey
Pt'stroka is a fungus that grows in extremely cold climates. It contains a sac of metallic fluid located in the cap, which acts as a defense mechanism for the fungus. This metallic fluid hardens with any increase in temperature, including something as simple as being held in an individual's hands.
Pt'stroka isn't picky about growing on decaying flora, on rocks, or in dry soil. It also doesn't require a lot of rain to grow or form. However, no race has yet figured out how to domesticate this fungus, and can only currently be found in limited quantities.
Qahpta (kwah-p-ta)
This innocent-looking weed grows literally everywhere in Tam'nýer—a', yes, even under water. It keeps well and its flowers can be used safely enough for decorating purposes, although some Khah’ and Humans may have an allergy to them causing them to sneeze. The danger of this plant, however, lies in its luscious green leaves which may seem very appetizing to the Ycemneijéu as food. If the farmers are not paying attention to this little detail and the Ycemneijéu eat too many of the green leaves of the Qahpta, the Ynéijusx (milk) they produce will become toxic, even if the Ycemneijéu themselves seem unaffected. Any Tam'nýer—a'’n race may suffer greatly from contaminated Ynéijusx (milk), and this occurrence is called Ynéijusx Yidzë (literally “Ynéijusx Burn” in C'eröd).
Humans, Khah' & Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa will often present the worst symptoms more quickly than other races. These symptoms can go so far as ataxia, photophobia, persistent nausea, diarrhea & vomiting, and even fainting fits. The symptoms can last half a Tam'nýer—a''n week after the contaminated Ynéijusx was consumed, but can be treated by ingesting X'miasxu eggs. Do note that this illness is serious as one can die from it due to severe dehydration. Qhapta may look beautiful and innocent, but farmer be wary and alert, lest the population be at risk.
राधक्स · Radhaksa (rad-dak-sah)
added by Dorian
This colourful beauty grows only in the northern continent, both in Rīdhaūñaī and in the Neutral Zone. The flower, which glows slightly in the dark, contains a host of essential oils but also several toxins. It is poisonous to eat, but if it is picked immediately after a rain, washed carefully several times and left to dry, being sure to repeat this process, then ultimately left to stew in the darkness for a week with a dash of Takhir̀-cha' alcohol, it will produce a thick blue massage oil. This oil is known as Rad’Laachum (from the name of the flowers and the word “body” in C'eröd), which serves to relax the muscles and remove any joint pains.
However, washing the flowers repeatedly and very carefully is key as the plant itself toxic otherwise and if the manufacturing process is not followed properly, or if the flowers are not picked
immediately after a rain, the unsuspecting customer would experience skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, and arrhythmia. The Khah’ and the humans seem particularly vulnerable to the side effects. Because it travels from the northern continent, the Rad’Laachum is quite expensive, but it will keep for a long time safely.
Shrieking Babes
Shrieking Babes, so called for its resemblance of tiny mouths, is a fungus that can be found on dying trees throughout Tam'nýer—a'. They can be harvested, but only when they have some give to the touch. If they are rock hard, and grasped tightly, such as when someone tries to wrench one off a branch, Shrieking Babes will release a sap that is toxic causing severe anaphylaxis and boils practically instantaneously. This also means that some less than kind individuals will wear protective gear and harvest the sap for poisons. Of course, if one is found with Shrieking Babes sap it is grounds for immediate imprisonment.
Poisonous sap aside, and in complete contradiction with its name, Shrieking Babes, if ground up and mixed with salt water to turn it into a paste, it can be then rubbed along a baby's gums in order to soothe teething pains. In fact, if rubbed along an adults gums it acts like ibuprofen, and due to the application method it goes directly into the bloodstream, acting quickly.
Silkiegills (sil-key gil-s)
added by Bad
A fungi that grows on Owa'-Owa' trees much as turkey tail fungi do on Earth. This fungi only grows on healthy Owa'-Owa' and often high up on the trunks and thicker branches. Once carefully harvested they can be soaked in water and kneaded like dough to loosen up the fibers. The fibers can then be carefully separated and, when treated to a special herbal formula, become soft and supple like silk. These strands however are fragile so need to be woven thickly or with other material for strength.
The only true downside to Silkiegills, when kneaded into this fragile fabric, is that it cannot be dyed as the fungus is already so endowed with natural colour that to try and dye it would only destroy the fabric. Silkiegills naturally grows in varying shades of pink, blue and teal.
As a side note, Silkiegills is regarded as a poor man's silk. Since silk in Tam'nýer-a' is so outrageously expensive as it comes from the ocean and takes so much time and risk to harvest it, Silkiegills is a wonderful alternative, especially for tradeworkers, as this fabric breathes so well and is a natural fabric it is regarded as a must have for true craftsman that are blacksmiths and glassblowers.
Skïtra (ski-trah)
Tam'nýer—a'’s version of tomatoes, they are clearly distinct in a visual sense. As opposed to our usual red bulbs on a vine, Skïtra are usually oval in shape and vary in colour. While colour may just be a nice addition to the variety of the food, it actually carries great importance and that’s because the purple ones are harvested for drug making, that is, in regions where it’s legal.
Aside from the hallucinogenic purple ones, Skïtra come in black, vibrant orange, a dirty dark green, red striped with black or a variation of these. On the inside the juices are a dark green that may remind one of sickly oozes, and a pale yellow and orange. However, to the denizens of Tam'nýer—a' this is perfectly normal and most likely won’t be viewed as a sickly colouration. In fact, Skïtra are exceptionally healthy and can be used in a multitude of dishes, such as the tomatoes of Earth. However, sometimes people fry Skïtra whole, turning it more into a solidified meaty texture.
Skïtra tend to be somewhat finicky as they do not like to have wet roots, and require a good amount of sun. That being said though, Skïtra do love to have their leaves misted frequently, as if preferring to drink through them rather than their roots. They grow well in greenhouses in Trótskarr and outdoors on the Lungs, Throat & Arms Continents.
Spring Rot Tree
Spring Rot Trees are fungi with healing properties as well as a natural source of light for the Khah' and Ãoni peoples alike. Growing in dark wet habitats suits them best, although salt or freshwater work either way for them. They are extremely hardy fungi, and reproduce quite quickly when harvested. Spring Rot Trees like to be pruned, much like a bonsai tree, and keep shape rather well.
The reason for the 'spring' in their name is not only an allusion to their love for keeping wet, but also for the natural light that they emit when in dark places. The Khah' tend to use them for night lights in the depths of their forest dwellings, and the Ãoni grow them not only for light but to trade with the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa.
In apothecary, Spring Rot Trees can be made into an emulsion for gaping wounds. It acts as a numbing agent and a coagulant for blood. It is recommended not to over-saturate a wound with Spring Rot Tree though, because it tends to get greedy in a sense that when 'fed' too much blood, it will heal the wound it was placed on, but may start eating the flesh around it if left on for too long. It must be washed off after an hour or so, and then reapplied. Fooling around with Spring Rot Tree if inexperienced can obviously be a risk factor.
Tágraz (tuh-grr-azz)
Tágraz are vibrant in colour and just as lively in flavour. Tágraz come in an electric blue, which tend to be more sour in taste, and a brilliant lavender which are the sweetest. The depth of colour denotes how ripe a Tágraz is.
Tágraz tend to have special huts dedicated to them distinctly for growing and harvesting in a controlled environment rather than simply relying on gathering them in the wild. Of course, being a fungus type plant the huts are dark, covered in moss both inside and out, and misted throughout the day, more or less left to 'marinate' at night.
Tágraz thrive on soaked, rotting wood, most especially if the wood is heated on a fire before being “fed” to the Tágraz, as it propagates growth. The plumper, the juicer and the more depth in colour all of which is extremely important when growing to make wine from them. As you may have guessed, the type of woods and moss around the Tágraz also help infuse them with distinct flavours.
Tágraz can be found primarily in ॠधऊञई · Rīdhaūñaī, the Emerald Isles, as well as the Sky-Coral Sea (Uwhang). However, they can also be found, albeit sparingly, in T-'a'Ţăs'múr and the Ãoni Coast. Tágraz flourish during the spring but mature fully by late summer.
Takhir̀-cha' (tak-cry-chuh)
Easily spotted in the wilderness, and in cities due to it's vibrant yellow colour is Takhir̀-cha'. It is a type of fungus that causes dry rot in wood. Despite the dry rot aspect, Takhir̀-cha' is worth harvesting as it can be boiled to become a strong alcohol that is comparable to Vodka on Earth. However, despite Vodka being clear, Takhir̀-cha' carries a watered down version of it's natural colouration, giving it a colour that tends to lull unsuspecting drinkers into a sense of complacency as it looks rather harmless.
John Rusk
Tūkka' (tuck-ugh)
These beautiful bursts of colour tend to be grown in massive quantities as they are one of the most useful crops in all of Tam’nýer-a’ due to their ability to feed 50% of the world’s populace and it’s all thanks to Tūkka’’s seeds. After each bloom dies a ball of seeds buried deep within its petals is revealed and these seeds can be roasted, ground up and used as flour, be boiled and mashed up or made into noodles too. Tūkka’ seeds are vital to civilizations surviving, and again speaks to the power of Trótskarr being the agricultural powerhouse of Tam’nýer-a’.
Tūkka’ is a plant that loves the heat, especially after the last frost. That snap of temperature makes it kick into high gear like nothing else, and if a good year, a crop can bloom up to 3 times in a single season if pruned and fertilized attentively. Alternatively, Tūkka’ can grow in other parts of the world if given enough heat, and it can also be grown in a greenhouse. The temperature needs to be consistent for at least 2 T. days (20 earth days) for it to bloom, but all in all, that’s not that much to make a little food.
Sakeeb Sabakka
Food aspect aside, the blooms are colourful and beautiful, and can deter Mirzum if you find them to be a pest. The leaves can be ground down into a paste that makes a good toothpaste too, but be warned to rinse your mouth out and not let it lie for too long, as the paste from the leaves can also be used to get out stains from fabric.
Tuwalka Trees (too-wall-ka)
Now, if you are unaccustomed to these trees, from a distance, you may find yourself dismissing them entirely when they are out of season as their bark looks burnt, and therefore resembles a dead tree rather than a living one. However, when they are in season, Tuwalka trees sport very attractive leaves as they are striped with a shocking chartreuse and dark forest green, and the underside of each one is a varied tone of purple either a very faint lilac or a royal purple. The intensity depends on how healthy and watered it is. The more hydrated, the darker the purple.
The bark, upon closer inspection, also has a slight glisten to it, but try not to let your curiosity get the better of you, as its bark is actually coated in a slight mucus layer, akin to sap, but this is actually because it is the Tuwalka’s way for storing water for later use if a drought hits. Thankfully, if you climb one of these trees, the mucus does not seem to go past its large stump of a trunk. However, if you are massively dehydrated, this sticky substance can be eaten like honey, and help replenish you water-wise. Mucus aside, the bark is extremely dense, making it one of the longest lasting lumbers available. This means, too, that it is highly coveted for ship making.
Now, when it comes to the Tuwalka, the only real danger this tree poses is when it is seeding, as it produces a massive seedling. Hanging and looking like a pine cone, they are beige in colour, and perhaps 5 times the size, but they can grow bigger. Worse yet, they tend to be anywhere from 2 to 5lbs. Now, you might be asking yourself as to why these seeds can be dangerous, aside from their size and that’s because during strong winds or storms, these seeds tend to fall surprisingly easy, and a concussion is nobody’s friend. But this is also the kind of weather the tree wants as their weight and size tends to embed them into the ground below, which means when you come across a Tuwalka tree, there’s usually a small close knit forest of them.
Uçî (you-see)
These bio-luminescent wee beauties are quite common in Tam'nýer—a'. Uçî are mostly found sprouting from dying moss or decaying leaves on the ground. Because of this, Uçî are also known as "Uu'krieuvan's Path", said to mark where the God walked before his untimely death. Uçî prosper in humidity.
Vrația (v-ra-tzee-a)
These beautiful fluffy flowers that resemble cotton candy more than anything might give you a run for your money, (and some milk) if you haven’t a clue what they are. Vrația are a major part of Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa culture, primarily to do with their food. Living in the mountains at a minimal elevation of 6,000 ft, the air gets relatively thin, and cold, which is why Z'sa'Ză-'Bäan food is generally hearty, as well as spicy. The Vrația is where most of their dishes get their heat. You see, the Vrația is a spice, and when harvested and used right away, the spice can be very mild, like Tumeric. However, if you dry it it’ll get a bit more of a kick like Cayenne, and the longer you dry it (up to a maximum of 1 Tam’nýer-a’’n month (roughly 3.5 Earth years) the spicier it will get, the max being akin to chili paste.
The biggest change to the spice level though is when the Vrația goes from its usual pastel pink to a greyish tinge - this means that it is about to seed, much like a dandelion that we wish on. This grey period is when to harvest it if you want the most extreme heat this plant can give you; the same scale as Jalapeño pepper seeds. To get to this capacity, you must not only wait for the ‘grey period’ but also dry it out. Again, like the fresh blooming flowers, the longer you dry it for, the spicier it can become, capping out at the aforementioned time.
In addition to this, the Vrația roots can be used for tea. Like the rest of this plant it has some heat to it, but making a tea, which obviously requires boiling, tones it down and dilutes the kick, creating a tea similar to that of our chai; hearty, earthy with a bit of spice. Some may choose to use this tea as a broth as well, boiling Zagifu meat or bones with it.
The only downside to the Vrația, is that while it is the main spice of traditional Z'sa'Ză-'Bäan foods, these spices have been getting finickier over time, not wanting to grow at such high elevations in great abundance anymore. In fact, Vrația seem to grow best closer to the base of the mountains, so harvesting them on the cliff sides has now become the norm, though it also means that the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa cannot grow them in sufficient and reliable crops.. That is why the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa trade with the Ãoni so heavily for this plant, as it is a part of their heritage that is slowly but surely leaving them behind.
Vuîntü (voo-in-too)
Another delicious Tam'nyer-a’’n fruit that solely grows on the Lungs Continent. This one looks scrumptious and can be eaten whether it has fully ripened or not, provided it is fully grown. The taste (akin to our pears) varies slightly based on the color. In its not fully matured version, colored a lovely pink, the Vuîntü are smaller, zesty and crunchy, and a little tart, and also mood-enhancers (Woo! ), which explains why they are often cut into small pieces and served as sides on the main food platters at parties and events.
For example, they marry well with all sorts of smoked and candied meats, and if the food is too fatty for your taste it would also take the edge off and act as a digestive. When they mature, the Vuîntü turn a lovely white and have a much richer and sweeter flavor, and their effect on the mood is more akin to an aphrodisiac. Suffices to say that they are a very popular fruit everywhere. They are highly nutritious, and can be also cooked and preserved in a variety of different ways; dried and candied Vuîntü are extremely sweet and can also last up to a few weeks!
The trees produce such an abundance of fruit that they need the branches to be supported once the fruit starts maturing, and therefore the Vuîntü are cultivated in orchards organized in neat rows. Béschmed in particular supplies Püertagœ where the markets sell them cheaply and in abundance.
Xia’Zuy (jia-joo-wee)
This precious flower is extremely rare and can only be found in certain places in Uwhang. Not all of the Sky-Coral Sea, but Uwhang, the capital. Because of its rarity and beauty, and the Khah’Xia feeling an affinity to it, she is known to have many, taking personal responsibility to tend to them herself.Thanks to this well known fact, which her personal collection of them is said to be truly magnificent, most of the Khah’ relate the Xia’Zuy to the Khah’Xia so much so that it is why the flower is named how it is today.
Pertaining to the Khah’Xia’s personal collection of them, only a few of her trusted guards or advisors have been privileged to see this private garden, but it is rumored that the flowers are always in bloom and do not appear to decay, very much like the Khah’Xia herself is always as young as beautiful as she has ever been. Because of this, certain people consider that the Xia’Zuy must have some incredible healing or magical properties.
However, nobody would dare to cut or take for themselves one of these beauties, not even to experiment, and not even if they are the one to find it in the jungle, because the Xia’Zuy is known by all Khah’ as the flower of their Empress. To take something which belongs to the Khah’Xia would be considered a serious and shameful offense.
Žraăst'e’s Fingers
Žraăst'e’s Fingers are a prize that sing Trótskarr’s praises and only raises its notoriety for being the agricultural hub of the world. These long, cylindrical fruits (no longer than from the tips of your fingers to your wrist) pack a lot of flavour and punch. Taking into consideration that they are also harvested during mid to late summer, depending on the heat of that particular season, it’s no wonder how they got their name.
Žraăst'e’s Fingers are quite the spectacle too because they come in a variety of colours. The Fingers come in green, but pink, red and purple are all possible making a beautiful addition to foods. Their flavours vary, but are always a citrus, featuring lime and lemon primarily. Their texture too is a bit odd because it is akin to caviar beads. The crunch and burst of flavour can be quite explosive if you use too much, so be careful!
Knowing all this, you can imagine the amount of uses; perfumes, soaps (breaks down oil and helps the skin exfoliate more easily), cooking & baking of course, as well as aiding in breathing and clearing headaches too. Unfortunately, due to their acidity, they can be used as catalysts for poisons or recreational drugs as well.
In the long run, it is not difficult to understand why this is one of Trótskarr’s largest imports. Nearing the end of season for Žraăst'e’s Fingers it is common place to see merchants jacking prices way up. To give you an idea, in the heart of harvest season for them the price can be as low as 5-6 each, but at the end merchants can hawk them for 30
Zlytnoki (z-lit-no-key)
Zlytnoki is a fungus that grows on a particular tree, the Rus–lim' tree to be exact. Even though it's a fungus, people regard it as a fruit of the tree. It tends not to stick around during the height of the super summer and winter, but grows at every other time of the year making it a rather reliable treat. It might not look the best, but it tastes refreshing as the flavours are a mix of mandarin oranges and peaches that we are used to. Needless to say, it is a very juicy eatable fungus, and can be found growing all over Tam'nýer—a', even at high elevations.