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Püertagœ is formed by 12 affluent families originating from ZàÞça, but did not agree with where the desert capital was heading from a political & societal standpoint. Thus Püertagœ was born and dared to become something bigger, taking advantage of the geographical position that for all intents and purposes was quintessential.

The farming village Béschmed begins to take proper shape. Püertagœ funds it to feed its people and give jobs and shelter to farmers looking for new beginnings. Some of the original buildings still stand today.

beschemed beginning.jpg

The Occupation of डैकबर​

After the Gods died, the Nkhya'jra closed the doors of their glorious city डैकबर (Daikabara) to refocus as a race to restore the Gods and life as they knew it. This unfortunately fuelled paranoia amongst the Khah' and Humans to the point that war was demanded by their populaces. डैकबर was stormed and occupied in the space of 1T day, eventually becoming as we know it now: Fawzia-Kedet.









During Püertagœ's infancy, before the aqueducts, water had to be carried into the city. As the city was being built up around it's citizens, taverns popped up, and everything in close proximity as only so much was liveable, there was no proper sewage either. A new illness began killing off the newborn city and that illness was Luw'oong-ji. The bodies of victims were burned on the future site of Béschmed.

Cataclysm (Gods die)

Major changes across Tam'nýer—a' occur as the world suddenly changes without notice. It is shock to everyone, including the land itself. Magic dies out to nothing but basics, as a need for apothecary rises and quickly.







Many people die as a result, and spiritually it is a dark time. This is where faith becomes splintered and superstitions become a humongous focus in every day life. This is why it is considered that the Gods died, however no one knows for sure or why.


Žraăst'e's Ire

Considered the worst natural disaster in Tam'nýer—a''n history, Žraăst'e's Ire still leaves its mark today. Almost all of the crops of Trótskarr were set aflame. Generational families agriculture was burned away due to fires caused by spontaneous combustion, as well as lightning, which is controlled by Žraăst'e's lover: Ižwala'. Both Püertagœ & ZàÞça had to make various dealings with B'hărăbû in order to help feed their citizens.



In Püertagœ's infancy, when the aqueducts weren't even in existence, and access to water was being carted in barrels either by hand, Wôrdiţ or a mess of a wells dipping into the much smaller cistern, there were heavy waves of off and on again sickness. Despite the city being built to accommodate large amounts of people, it started off rather small.

Of course, there were plans for the great Püertagœ to become what it is now, a 12 rings metropolis, but the rings were built slowly over time as population demanded it, and it fed new jobs, with new people. But with the influx of people in such tight quarters during one of the first ever expansions, it was as if the entire city became hyper focused on the tasks at hand. Everything became work, and partying it up during free time. This left hygiene on a back burner that proved to be disastrous.

With men and women heading to pop-up taverns and brothels with no free flowing water, people relieved themselves wherever and however, with little thought on who would clean it up later. With dust and debris from construction, small living quarters and a lack of hygiene things were bound to go awry, and they did.

People soon became ill, even dying, making the growth of Püertagœ come to a halt and a place to avoid. The illness, Luw'oong-ji, began with blurry vision followed by rashes that, rather than burned, made the individual feel as though they were freezing. These rashes would propagate over the majority of the body, until the eyes lost pigment, and the individual would die. Their skin would be clammy to the touch, even in death, and remain that way.

The city went on a high alert to cleanse itself, and sanitation became a priority. It became mandatory for people to relieve themselves in designated locations, and for families to cart in their own water on a two day basis at most. With years passing, aqueducts were built and rebuilt as the city grew. Salt was used to spread over defecation and the devastation of Luw'oong-ji never returned. All the dead were burned in massive pyres well outside the city's current walls.

Despite this being a potential learning curve for future generations, this is one epidemic that Püertagœ does its best to keep stricken from the history books. However, there was a plus to all this. Where they were burned is now the land of the village of Béschmed and is in fact part of why this farming land is so plentiful.

Luw'oong-ji wreaked its havoc just over 18 Tam'nýer—a''n years ago. Roughly 540 years ago in our Earth years.

The Occupation of डैकबर​

Fawzia-Kedet, as we know it now is considered to be primarily human run, but Fawzia-Kedet used to be called डैकबर (Daikabara). It was originally commissioned by the Ṅkhya'jra and was built by the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa. A lot of the architecture is actually original, but due to the invasion, some was indeed damaged. It has been repaired though by the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa to ensure that it was restored to how it was supposed to be as डैकबर was renowned for its architectural beauty and harmony with the nature surrounding it. But this article is to explain the how and why डैकबर came to be known as Fawzia-Kedet in the first place, so let's delve in.

The summarized version is that after the Gods came to a cataclysmic end, Tam'nýer—a' suffered great changes. A good example of this is that magic, for all intents and purposes, was snuffed out, until artifacts came to be known and understood. This single shift caused such a ripple that it gave birth to a warped paranoia because it altered an understood and accepted power scale as well as reality, and that understood power scale in turn maintained the peace between races.

Everyone once worshiped, and most could harness the elements with study, practice and patience, that is until the Gods blipped out of existence. They died, and all at once it appeared that the only ones still blessed by the Gods were the Ṅkhya'jra. This was thanks to their undying devotion, surprisingly as a racial whole, and their practice of tattooing or scarification of the Gods' sigils that they still carried a type of empowerment. The power of belief imbued them with a little cut above the rest and that was enough to begin the wedge between the Ṅkhya'jra and the other races.

The apprehension of different races only grew worse as the Ṅkhya'jra grieved the loss of the deities. This is when their worship started to become zealotous, and reviving the Gods became their raison d'être. Due to this, the Ṅkhya'jra decided to shut the doors to डकईभर to focus on this racial transformation and dogma.

Once again, this reaction only fuelled the fires of paranoia, most especially those of the Khah' and this was because their beloved Uwhang geographically was in between
डैकबर, as well as the Ṅkhya'jra homeland of

ॠध​ऊञ​ई (Rīdhaūñaī). As for Püertagœ, they were on the same continent, and this fire that was building came to a fever pitch when artifacts were discovered. At some point the citizens of Püertagœ began rioting, demanding protection, security and for the Senate to do something about their northern neighbours, because who knew what they had and what they were capable of. You have to understand that this paranoia was building over a time equivalent to 30 Earth years (1 Tam'nýer—a''n year). You could feel the unease in the streets.

With the riots, the Senate and the Empress of the Sky-Coral Sea (Uwhang) met multiple times and finally declared war on
डैकबर. Sadly, डैकबर fell, and it happened in the passing of a single Tam'nýer—a''n day. Of course, as you may suspect, this only worsened the relations and apprehensions of the races, and was ultimately the foundation of why the Ṅkhya'jra are racist. Only now is their racism understood to be mostly fuelled by their fanaticism.

Žraăst'e's Ire
Žraăst'e's Ire was a summer unlike any other. Lighting is an expected part of Tam'nýer—a''n life, most especially in those dry summer months, when the skies are tinted pink more than any other colour. However, this particular season was worse than anyone could have anticipated, devastating crops in ZàÞça to the point where Püertagœ had to make bargains with the less than amicable 'merchants' of B'hărăbû in order to feed its people. Noîka crops were set aflame for hectares, absolutely destroying some families financially, and generations of work.

As far as natural disasters goes, Žraăst'e's Ire is remembered as one of the worst in Tam'nýer—a''s history, and happened, for most, two generations ago. For the majority of the populace Žraăst'e's Ire is slowly turning into a bedtime story to make children obey their parents to sleep during the bright Summer nights. However, for those who's lively hood depends upon agriculture, the sense of foreboding continues to live on.


Discovering a New Continent & Species

The Püertagœn Navy decided to undergo an exploratory mission with the backing and permission of the ZàÞçan government as rumours became too great to ignore of a land mass known to ZàÞçan fishermen. They would see it often when harvesting D'lak from the Becal Curtains. However, at first it was only desert, until they came across a new species which call themselves the Zdjętzami. 

However, these weren't the only new things to be discovered. Since setting foot on the continent, named the Foot Continent as to match the bodily theme of the others, objects once merely regarded as Trail Markers to mark the major road ways throughout all continents, have now begun to glow across Tam'nýer—a'. There is apparently great power hidden in this new land and somehow upon finally discovering it, it has awoken something. Even those with slight magical inclination and apothecaries alike has noticed that things are stirring. Healing is easier, and at times, the results are quick; a cut can heal almost instantly but at the cost of exhaustion. 





A disease that ravaged the lower classes and outer Rings of Püertagœ. It claimed an estimated 2 million lives. Luckily, the Ãoni developed a cure.



Syg—stà', more colloquially known as the Red Sands War, was a war between the Giyu peoples and the Sk'älik for oceanic dominance. Both sides were nearly wiped out, however, the Sk'älik were claimed the victor as the Giyu could never truly defeat them as they could not handle the pressures of the deep ocean in order to destroy the Sk'älik homeland: Sk'ïenaik.






In very recent history, a year and just over a half in Tam'nýer—a''n time (roughly 50 earth years), Tam'nýer—a' suffered an epidemic that ravaged the lower classes and outer rings of Püertagœ. The disease, Ush—tepz', symptoms were as follows:

  • In the first stage, one experienced a dry mouth, and chapping of the lips. There was an inability to hydrate the mouth, making eating somewhat difficult.

  • In the second stage, the dryness would now include a sandpaper feeling down the throat, a slight burning sensation when breathing. Some people may have also suffered memory problems.

  • In the third stage, the body was now experiencing an acute fever, severe swelling in the joints, and throbbing of the eyes.

Once the fever was onset, there was no coming back. The body essentially swelled with plasma and blood, as the rest of the body lost all elasticity of its skin due to being dehydrated and unable to absorb fluids such as water. Ush—tepz' luckily only affected Humans, however it still claimed the lives of an estimated 2 million people of the lower class & slums of Püertagœ.

It is said that the Ãoni, with their great knowledge of herbs, use of apothecary and health, created a cure, but the risk of this disease arising and still causing harm is great as the symptoms must be noted and treated within the first day of the onset. This has led to some being treated for the disease when not needed, but better to be safe than sorry is the logic implemented here.

Ush—tepz' ravaged Püertagœ for the majority of 2 Tam'nýer—a''n months (approximately 6 years our time). If this happened on Earth, imagine a metropolis (or large city) losing 300,000 people to this disease per year. Ush—tepz' was devastating and that is why physicians and apothecaries will subject an individual to Ush—tepz' treatment if one starts showing similar symptoms.

Red Sands War; Syg—stà'

Syg—stà' was a war between the Giyu and the Sk'älik for oceanic dominance. This war was particularly brutal as casualties could be counted into the thousands at the end of some battles. Colloquially Syg—stà' is called 'the Red Sands War' or simply 'Red Sands'. It is referred to this as the rest of Tam'nyera' chose to turn a blind eye to this war, leaving only 'those who dwell near the sands' to their business and their blood.

It should be noted that both sides were nearly wiped out, but the Sk'älik was claimed the victor due to their homeland, Sk'ïenaik, remaining perfectly intact, as it lays on the bottom of the ocean and the Giyu could not stand the pressure of those depths, and having a more numerous population in the end. Even now though, the Sk'älik have a vastly small populace in comparison to the other races.

New Continent & Race Discovered
Discovering the continent, and seeing nothing but mountainous desert and sand dunes for miles was perhaps a bit off putting in terms of disappointment. However, it also made some people drop their guard on the foreign territory.

The Püertagœn Navy was also not the only one’s daring to explore the Foot Continent. There were pirates invested in discovering the new land and what riches it may have held. However, what they came across, (those that survived the journey, sandstorms, and the heat that is), were humongous ruins, looking as though they had been built by the Gods themselves and abandoned upon their death.

In truth, the first meetings with the Zdjętzami did not go smoothly. Fear ran high as posed bodies began to line the scenery. Their faces and bodies all too foreign to really provide any time of comfort, though when it came to be realized that these people too were blessed by Sùrelï with the knowledge of C’ërod, despite everything, perhaps they were not as barbaric as they seemed.

Things with the Zdjętzami are extremely touch and go. People who step foot on the Feet Continent, named as such because they are the last and considered the bottom of the world, tend to make wide berths from their iconic homes, and they do not mind the distance. Everyone is wary, especially since upon first meetings blood was shed.

Not much is known or understood about these strange looking people who call themselves the Zdjętzami. Needless to say however, is that curiosity on both sides gets the better of a rare few.

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