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Kîne' kal Penallă
Sakneump leux zijan
Almën tryne kal vaț Ōß uuvan
ẞok-klœ natz brî miyük
șut rxy brélak
Klœ-Ðăla śwe klœ-rinț klœne


Grace and fidelity
Honour guide me
Standing strong and true until the end
With my last dear breath
Please remember this
My cause was great, my path my own

Patron Deity
Q'Tam'šmă, Mother of All


National Flower



Current Ruler

12 Greater Families


Humans: 50.2%
Khah': 30.6%
Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa: 10.7%
Ãoni: 4.1%
Ṅkhya'jra: 3.3%
Giyu: 0.9%
Sk'älik: 0.2%
Zdjętzami: 0%

Size (city only)




2.79 million


Imports & Exports:



Wôrdiţ, K'wãt, Teas, Noîka, Books, Lumber, Corals


Wôrdiţ, Fabrics, Dyes, C-bxa', Drr'ţö

National Colours:


Royal Blue & Gold


A towering city on the lower coast of the second main continent; Püertagœ.
Püertagœ is the main trading hub other than the Sk'älik owned Vit'saarèn, and the illegal B'hărăbû and is regarded as the homeland of the Humans. This bustling city is never silent, and in nowhere else is the class division between the noble few and the poor more obvious.

Püertagœ is a city built upon a vast cistern system that is fed directly by the ocean. Life on land and sea is merged here in a harmony encased in stunning architecture, housing all races. This is a land of diversity, superstitious social standards, thriving capitalism, and invention. Though, if you are a Ṅkhya'jra, know that you are the only race that will face hesitation, and some manner of scrutiny, as the whole of Tam'nýer—a' only knows whispers of your kind, and memories of fire.

That aside, Püertagœ will make or break you with its beliefs, social construct, and superstitions. However, you could always keep your head low being a simple merchant. Being the center stage of a world has a lot of pressure, and the population here is ever an influx, despite the superstitious territory being off-putting to some. It is also where the greatest school of magics is located, as well as mechanical engineering.

It is run by a Senate, of both men and women consisting of the Heads of the 12 Greater Families. The 12 Greater Families are an elite group of families that are said to have originally formed Püertagœ centuries ago, originally coming from ZàÞça. The Senate is also joined by Marshals from the Army as well as the Navy, in an attempt for balance and the utmost protection of her people.

The whole of Püertagœ is a circular walled city, consisting of 12 rings in total, further symbolizing the 12 Greater Families.



Püertagœ, being the largest Human settlement, despite being a melting pot of all races thanks to it being the trading hub of all of Tam'nýer—a', has mixed elements in its architecture. However, there are two very distinct styles of architecture that marry in Püertagœ and its wide rings: Roman & Art Nouveau. At its center, Püertagœ boasts the Senate building which is capped off with a roof similar to Filippo Brunelleschi’s dome, and coming from that are the 12 Greater Family mansions, similar to Grecian Temples, which is a style borrowed by the Romans.

Leaving the epicenter of Püertagœ, it flows into towering Art Nouveau, and this continues for the first few rings, until it becomes more rundown, and more visually similar to ancient Roman architecture. However, each ring will either have 'bridge buildings', meaning buildings that one can traverse through to reach the next ring, such as Kāyas̄mud, Püertagœ's great library. Or, rather than bridge-buildings will having towering archways, rich in detail and craftsmanship, akin to that of the Arch of Titus. One certainly cannot argue that Püertagœ isn't beautiful. It really is difficult to stop oneself from stopping to stare.


Human homes in Püertagœ are distinctly vertical. Think of them as pillars of apartments, overlooking the bustling markets below. However, due to the risk of cutting off the light of the sun, which in superstitious minds would be interpreted as 'hiding from Nýer—a'', the rings lessen in height with each one.


To better explain this concept, the first ring is the lowest, circling the Senate House and having the most light, looking like one huge pavilion. As you may have surmised already, yes, this is a further show of status. Moving on, it is in fact the second ring that is the highest, as if sheltering the first. From the second ring, the pillar apartments then lower, descending in height until the rings of Püertagœ finish with the 12th.

The 12 RINGS

Püertagœ is the only true metropolis of Tam'nýer—a', and is a melting pot of the species. Diversity is a cherished attribute of this vast city that boasts 12 rings, representing the 12 founding families, or Greater Families.

Püertagœ can be quite confusing, seeming more like a labyrinth than a functioning metropolis to foreigners. The large rings that make up the vast city are often counted 1, 2, 3, etc, but to a local the counting of the rings emanates from the center ring, being 1. To an outsider though, they tend to count the other way, which can make directions quite confusing, but helping strangers is usually viewed as a good token, and helps reputation. But, let's count like a local shall we? After all, a person accustomed to their surroundings is probably the best way to go about it.


The first ring is prestige and government. At the very core of Püertagœ is the Senate House, a white alabaster domed building, built upon a pedestal-esque foundation. This was built this way so that it sits higher than the buildings surrounding it, as if a golden egg of a dragon, guarded by all the rings and peoples of Püertagœ. Circling it are 12 mansions, architecturally similar to Grecian temples. Each one is the home of one of the 12 Greater Families, the founding families of Püertagœ itself. Leading down the slope from the the Senate house and the 12 mansions are tiered gardens, separating the 1% and government from the rest of the civilians.

Gardens of the First Ring

The gardens are vast. There is always the sound of running water, thanks to the engineering feats which permit the gardens to be self watered. Plant life sometimes creates walls to give a sense of privacy, and in particular places within the gardens, the water can be rather loud, muffling conversations. Either way, whether you are in the gardens of the First Ring for a pleasant stroll, or wanting to conduct business conversations, it is considered a popular meeting spot.

Throughout the gardens too, one can come across very spread out pavilions. There are countless pavilions, and there, it is not uncommon to find members of the 12 practicing swordsmanship, or children of the 12 playing in the shade. Even those who live in the 2nd Ring are welcome. It is truly not only simply a green paradise at the heart of a city of stone, but a garden of the elite.



The richness of architecture is still apparent here in the second ring. Of course, this is all high class living, but the houses, like condos in a skyscraper here on Earth, make up the second ring. The gardens are mirrored here, but as a waterfall of greenery in between residences.


The third ring is where things start to get interesting. Lots of tourism flows this way as one of the main military barracks is built into the ring. The third ring also boasts Kāyas̄mud, a stunning feat of glasswork and architecture that encases the library of Püertagœ, and the world renowned Red Rose Teahouse; a place of luxury, comfort and lust.

Red Rose Teahouse

Owned & Operated by Kat'Cha

The Red Rose Teahouse is a renowned establishment in Püertagœ, celebrated for its colourful fabric ceilings and curtains, teas, food, its large hot baths and last but certainly not least, its talented girls, as well as boys. If you're in the big city looking to relax and enjoy a sumptuous dinner or high tea lunch the Teahouse will never fail to please. However, if you are in the market for entertainment with someone on your arm, in a bed, or in the water, Red Rose is your destination as well. The two sides of business come together under one roof but separated for understandable discretion. After all, husbands have been known to 'eat' their desserts while their wives are dinning in the salon. 

The entire establishment is inundated with thick heavy incense that has a rather useful effect meant to ensure that everyone 'rises' to the occasion. Aside from the hot baths, however, there is even a milk bath for those looking for more moisture of the skin, while a separate bath in the back, which is part of the brothel side, is much the same is used as a discreet way to hide excretions, although this may disgust some, it is a fetish for others. If you are grossed out by 'sharing' be sure to book an appointment for the early

Nile choice Dorian_red_silk_antique_living_room_ebdf4602-8395-48c0-9e1f-1f6fcdaf32ca.png

morning as they spend the wee hours of the morning to drain, scrub, and refill the milk bath.

Further concerning the darker side of the Teahouse, be sure that if you are looking for rough treatment that is perfectly acceptable, just don't bruise the girls & boys, otherwise, you'll be paying for it in ways you may not want to know. If you'd like to explore your sadistic tendencies on someone, find another brothel. Do be sure to understand that the sexual services offered by the Red Rose Teahouse are extremely clandestine. You must be vetted, and to even get to that point, someone must vouch for you.


Kāyas̄mud, Library of Püertagœ

An engineering feat, and a symbol of pride in Püertagœ. In actuality, it's a challenge to Fawzia-Kedet, as it is a rival to their infamous library. This in turn explains why the Senate of Püertagœ okay'd for such a high budget simply for the beautification of Kāyas̄mud. The majority of the walls are floor to ceiling panes of blue glass; one of Püertagœ's national colours.Kāyas̄mud is open to both the Senate and the public, although it should be said that the Senate members have a separate entrance and section of the library. Should they require a book that is in the main hub of the library, they are more than welcome to send one of their servants to fetch it for them. This is quite the common practice, in order to refrain opening up the Senate to harassment whilst in a public space.


Kāyas̄mud is a 'bridge-building', meaning that it is built into one of the rings of Püertagœ; the 3rd ring to be exact. This was decided upon as the main military barracks is also a bridge-building in the 3rd ring, so that should any theft or breach into the inner two rings of Püertagœ is made using Kāyas̄mud, the military is close by in order to put an end to it.


The Inva' Theater

Proprietor: Mel'Ravi

The Inva' Theater is located in the third ring of Püertagœ. It's a luxurious, and yet fun, theatre where Mel'Ravi's actors put on numerous plays and dramas for the public. It's location means that it's most frequent visitors are the upper class, just the way Mel'Ravi likes it. Upon entry, one is greeted with two doorways on either side. To the right, a lovely lounge open all hours where one can get a drink or two (a drink limit exists here, of course], a nice snack, or just hang around and relax for a bit on one of the many lounge couches, or at the bar section. To the left, one is directed to the theater. Rows and rows of comfortable seating, a wide and expansive center stage, and a ceiling built to resemble the lush jungle of the Khah; homeland, The Inva' Theatre prides itself on it's aesthetic and it's luxury. Mel'Ravi's own home is connected to the Theater, right above it, actually!


It's been said, among the Flame's members of course, that Mel'Ravi was given the Theatre as a way to wedge her presence into the upper class of the city. After all, some of their guests have even been members of the 12 Greater Families.


This is where the markets begin. The entire run of the fourth ring is where you can find silks, clothing, grain, and places to sit and eat, like that of the bistros we are used to on Earth. Keep in mind that towering above the main street of the fourth ring are residences. These dwellings are a mix of upper and middle-class. Upper class dwellings are cut off after the fourth ring.

The Well of Splendor
Owned & Operated by Tai'Lin

The Well of Splendor is the oldest and premier fragrance and

cosmetic shoppe, nestled in the 4th Ring of Püertagœ. Being a

part of the metropolis going on 5 Tam'nýer—a''n years, it is a

staple in self-care and pampering. The Well of Splendor also

specializes in bespoke fragrances, for the right price, of course.

The shoppe is difficult to miss for its stunning architectural design,

distinct windows and doorway. But even more noticeable is the

plethora of flowers viewable through these windows. Whenever

the door opens, it is difficult not to get a whiff of the legitimate

apothecary magic inside. Its fragrances are also useful as soap

tends to be extremely expensive, and 'mass produced' scents

come cheaper. But whatever the product made here is nothing

short of quality and sophistication made from the purest of


Truly, the Well of Splendor, which offers shampoos, soaps, lotions, perfumes, is there for all social classes be they low or high, and have something for everyone, believing that a person's well-being should always be in style and to individual taste; an extension of oneself.

The Glass Clinic
Owned by Kaa | In'Anna

The Glass Clinic is more or less a hidden gem of the 4th ring. Usually decorated outside with various flower, the Glass Clinic is a place to receive expert healing, and medical advice, which may seem odd or a bit unsettling as the owner is a Nkhya’jran man by the name of Kaa. However, don't let that dissuade you, as he is very knowledgeable as well as dedicated to his craft.

Another surprise to be had inside the Glass Clinic is that Kaa is not only a doctor, but a jeweller in his own right, sometimes mixing his understanding of the two in order to heal. He may be of little words, though he is arguably one of the most learned making him worth every P'ee K'äh. In addition to merely Kaa's talents, he has an apprentice who is learning quickly and starting to make a name for herself as well: In'Anna.

The Euf'yr House
Owned & Operated by Les'Kay

The Euf'yr House is the place in Püertagœ to learn about these adorable creatures, purchase one and buy accessories for them. All the Euf'yrs that are for sale here are bred by the proprietor himself. If you are interested in paying the sweet Khah' owner, Les'Kay, a visit you can find his wonderful shoppe in the 4th Ring. Although be prepared to be assaulted by flying adorable fluffs when you enter.


The theme of the fourth ring continues here, minus the upper class, but that does not mean that they do not come to the fifth ring to shop. The fifth ring is where the market really takes off. This is where the butchers start, and bulk shops for sweets, grains, and beverages. There are also luxury inns here for wealthy travelers and merchants that hail from other places.



Sixth ring, despite being towered over by more middle-class residences is where there are not only markets that open in the early morning and stay open till late at night, there are bakeries, gift shops, grocers, butchers. Ring 6 is essentially main street.

Dverī Dreams
Proprietor: कजि वतल्फिनस् Kaji Vatalphinas

Dverī Dreams hasn't been around too, too long in Püertagœ but it certainly has a reputation for being one of the best places to satiate a sweet tooth, if not the best. Serving people of all backgrounds alike, Dverī Dreams specializes in beautiful pastries and cakes that will take you on a mouth watering journey indeed. You can also find some Dverī Dreams goods served in the Red Rose Teahouse, as well as The Grásh & Flame.


The two most iconic buildings in the seventh ring is a secondary military barracks, albeit much smaller than the one in the third ring, and the main public bath house of Püertagœ. The bath house is always flanked by members of the military to ensure safety, and aid tourists, as well as newcomers. Due to the public bath, and its large size, the seventh ring is the widest.

• The seventh ring is currently going through a beautification upgrade: new festively coloured banners with Püertagœ's flag insignia are being installed along the homes above that make up ring 7, and array of large potted flower arrangements as well as trees.

Joreign's Troupe Spectacular

"Come one, come all to see Joreign's Troupe Spectacular! Be amazed by our talented and danger defying fire trickster, gasp in awe as you watch a contortionist bend in unimaginable ways, be inspired by our aerial ribbon dancers, and laugh along with our comedic acrobats and mimes! These unique acts and more are waiting for you at our own location in Püertagœ's 7th Ring, or catch us as we travel the world on special request! Just look for the brightly colored big top tent and you'll know you are in the right place."


Recently Joreign's Troupe Spectacular has become a staple to the Püertagœn people, performing frequently in Püertagœ's 7th Ring, as it is the widest and safest to perform there. They only perform during certain hours and certain days (as to still permit those to have a relaxing bath in the public bath house), but they cannot be missed even if you are simply passing through.


In the eighth ring, middle class homes still reign here, however the markets are not as hustle and bustle as Ring 5 & 6. There are still vendors here, with some private bath houses, but light industry begins to show. Artisan light industry, to be exact, such as hand blown perfume bottles, and art work. Even street-side doctors selling tonics, and fortune tellers are dotted about.

Song of Lust

Proprietor: Tolla Düra

Nestled in the 8th ring of Püertagœ is the Brothel Song of Lust, a small professional no-nonsense operation. Come in, pay, get fucked, go away. This is the brothel of the working class and it shows. Old furniture bought at auction with the occasional new piece, cheap watered down booze, or legitimate bottles reserved for customers who have proven their worth, and regular shows to entice and distract clientele. Privacy is purchasable at the Song, otherwise client and prostitute work one of the common rooms.


Shows at the Song usually consist of two or more of the workers doing a strip tease for the gathered audience before they fuck in front of  the engaged crowd. Despite this being extremely bold, the worship and devotion to Bók-T'ak provides a glorious loophole, especially since they host an altar to her in the foyer. Frequently requests are made for specific shows to be put on for specific groups. Ãoni night is a particular favorite. When they can manage it, Giyu nights are some of the most popular nights the Song will see in a given Tam’nýer—a’’n fortnight (6 earth months).


One can buy two things at the Song; an outcome or time. Time is more expensive, and more fun (unless you wanna talk the entire time). Group events and orgies are available as well. Workers can also make house visits to a select and trusted series of repeat customers for an extra cost. 


The Song employs a few mercenaries and such to break up fights and other rowdy behavior from the clients, but for the most part it's a fairly peaceful location. The employees of the Song are a diverse group of sex workers, some having been at the game for a while, others being brand new. There is a healthy flux of coming and going workers, but there are a few that have been working at the Song their whole professional life. 


The Song is run by a Madame, always one of the old workers, and eventually when they choose to retire they leave the place to a chosen successor, otherwise the next owner is voted on by the workers. 



The ninth ring is were we start to get into a mix of middle class and lower class residences, making more basic vendor stalls that provide solely the necessities more prominent. Fruits, vegetables, and luxury 'high shelf' items such as soap the main focus. This is also where more locals tend to shop so that they don't need to go to rings further away to get their groceries and deal with the height of potential tourists.

RING 10:

Now, we are solidly in the lower class dwellings. Despite being a lower class area, there are stunning sculptures to mark the openings of the aqueducts, and are lined with non-toxic leafy plants. Industry such as paper making warehouses, glass making, and plaster makers are here. Soap making is also located here, as well as stone masons. Most warehouses or studios have an attendant overseeing a booth outside to sell the wares and act as advertisement of what the manufacturers are capable of.

With having the residences and workplaces within the same ring, if nothing else, this creates a lax environment for the workers. This makes commutes rather enjoyable and/or non-existent. This also ensures that families get more time together.

RING 11:

Warehouses, studios and lower class residences are still afoot in the eleventh ring, however, it is mixed with necessity vendors and inns for late night travellers who make it into the city. X'jürtasm, the large soup kitchen to help the needy in Püertagœ is also located here in the eleventh ring. The unfortunate thing is that low-end taverns are here as well, so the ring tends to fill with sleeping miscreants, beggars and homeless. Due to this, the eleventh and twelfth rings have more lantern patrols than any others.


The Grásh & Flame

Proprietor: Rus'Zsa
Staff: Nymira

Immediately upon entering you might be engulfed with the noise of much merrymaking, and the heat of many bodies and candles that light The Grásh & Flame.

The Grásh & Flame is an inn consisting of all the levels available in the vertical space that it occupies in the 11th Ring of Püertagœ. Offering many beds, some private and some shared, food & drink, it also has a public bath which is accessible at extra charge and can offer a bit of peace and quiet. The Grásh & Flame, despite being a dirtier establishment due to its constant occupancy, is one of the best equipped, especially in the Lower Rings.


Pedro H. Cardoso


For instance, going back to the aforementioned bath, it is heated by the coals and wood of the kitchen beneath it. You may not receive a 5 star meal, but the food will keep you full, the ale warm and relaxed, and the beds are of decent quality, using linen, cotton batting and furs. However, the more money you are willing to put forth, of course, the better the accommodations.


X'jürtasm; A Soup Kitchen

explained below

RING 12:

The twelfth ring, and final ring is like the aforementioned eleventh ring in terms of low-class and beggars. However, the ring is vastly beautified, and mixes the lowest class of inhabitants with some of the nicest shops to entice tourists before they venture through the rest of the vast city. Blacksmiths are also allocated residency here, as the city, for noise bylaws, houses their forges and kilns outside the metropolis' walls so as to keep from disturbing the rest of the population. There is a makeshift village of these forges, and are kept under guard overnight. This is made simple by having the Navy and a third Military barracks on the outer ring.

X'jürtasm; A Soup Kitchen

X'jürtasm is a soup kitchen for the poor located in Püertagœ. It hands out food to the less fortunate living in the two outer rings. This means that if you are of the middle class or on the brink of qualifying as such you do not meet the requirements of getting aid. For instance perhaps you have too many children, unfortunately, that was the bed you made, you must lie in it. Though the 12 Greater Families act as a senate for the people, and to develop ways to serve and provide, there are consequences for your choices.

puertagoe potential.png


When it comes to climate Püertagœ is a bit of a mixed bag. Officially being classified as Temperate it qualifies for a subcategory of Hot-summer Mediterranean climate. This means that the coldest month averages above 0 °C to -3 °C (32 °F to 27 °F). During this month, which would be the peak of winter for Püertagœ, winter not only drops in temperature as expected, but it tends to be pouring. There's at least three times as much precipitation in the wettest month of winter as in the driest month of summer, and driest month of summer receives less than 30 mm (1.2 in) of rain. At Summer's peak month the average temperature is above 25 °C (77 °F). So, from a very wet winter to a dry summer.

*The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is used to help create a better understanding


Püertagœn people tend to bow upon first meeting or when making their farewells. Whether it is bowing with ones torso or just their head is acceptable, and left more so up to an individual’s choice.

Less of a God or a Superstition, Judgement, a depiction of two 'men', are more of a societal caution in the form of reoccurring graffiti. It serves as a warning for rumors of scandal or falsity; a sign that your social standing is under scrutiny and in danger. To be better explain this, imagine that there are rumors beginning to circulate that you are having an affair. In this case, you make wake up to find Judgement staring you down from across the alley when you leave your house.

Judgement has been known to also be painted on walls of less than respectable areas of town, standing as an advisory for travelers, tourists or naive persons as the pair are known through Tam'nýer—a'. For example, they may be painted on a building outlying a red light district; a deterrent conveying the fact that you are being watched.

No one knows who came up with the two as a sign, but their legacy and use live on. Judgement is most prominent in Püertagœ though, so please keep that in mind. It only further cements just how important reputation is there. Finding Judgement outside your door, most especially if you are in the 2nd to 5th ring of Püertagœ can be devastating. Whispers will follow you, people will begin to avoid you. Judgement can show up merely based on the insidiousness of assumption and rumor.

Appearance: Clothing
The current style of clothing in Püertagœ is heavily influenced by it's Khah' population and their sexual allure, paired with the hot summers. Now there is a difference in dress styles among those of a higher social standing and those of lower, but the distinctions may be not what you expect.

For the lower class Women it is rather heavy fabrics, but nonetheless flowing. Gold in fabrics and heavy metallic jewelry is also distinctive of the lower classes, as is black, while the more affluent are in chiffon's and satin's, and notably more colourful. Their jewelry as well is more prone to having fabric interlaced as heavy jewelry can be seen as a burden over long period use.

The dresses are akin to that of Kaftan's found here on Earth, and during the heat of the summer, it is not entirely out of place to find men also donning these dresses. This item of clothing is referred to as Zigră, and is made sleeveless or with sleeves as shown in the example to the right.

As opposed to the female Zigră, which is more of a Kaftan, the men are typically found wearing Öðin, a type of robe akin to the Hanfu. Unlike the women though there is no particular distinction between lower and higher classes other than the sleeves. Lower class Öðin dress will have tight sleeves or none at all, while higher class Öðin will have long flowing sleeves. However, higher class men can be found wearing tight sleeved Öðin if out riding or in the military and navy.



Concerning shoes for lower classes, most especially hard working classes such as blacksmiths they have extremely rugged shoes. Made of layered leather, and notably with heels, the toes are also cut off quite sharply and this design is to limit excess of materials.


Higher class of Püertagœ, and standard wear in ZàÞça , while perhaps not seeming entirely high class, are much more relaxed when it comes to everyday wear, and that's because they're mere leather sandals. Again though, this is for everyday wear, meant for long hours and not for show. Not only that but it also offers great breathing capability, perfect for desert climates.

It's time to delve into the gorgeous and intricate designs of shoes for the 12 and those who are lucky enough to live in the First Ring. Now, while they look like our modern day runway boots, it's because Püertagœ is huge on tapestries. They are already a show of economic status, so adding tapestries to a shoe base isn't that far off.


Püertagœn jewelry tends to come in two main styles; the usual metal adornments with a distinctive swath of fabric or simply hammered and imprinted metal, with much detail and many pieces amounting into one final piece.


While the pieces with much detail and lacking fabric may catch the eye more so, they are regarded as being quite weighty and therefore are mainly worn by low or middle class women. It is actually the more simple pieces with fabric that are primarily worn by the higher echelon as it is beautiful without being such a 'burden' to wear, permitting more functionality and a longer period of being able to wear the accoutrements.

It should be noted that more simplistic versions of the lower class jewelry can also be found in brothels, dependent upon the preference of establishment. Most Khah' workers, however, are still found with talismans.


Püertagœns take part in earlobe piercings only, though it must be mentioned that it is very rare for a couple of reasons. One of them is that it requires a bit of money are one needs to be able to afford a strong, reliable antiseptic for a long period of time as acute infection is common. However, the commonality of infection is also why most people are turned off from the practice as some feel it is not worth the hassle.

That aside, both men and women partake in piercing, though women do have a higher rate of doing so , despite the risks, as it is rather stylish. The trend is to wear long, trailing earrings so that it can glint even when potentially lost in one's hair. Of course, again, this is also to show off one's wealth.



In the metropolis of Püertagœ there's actually quite a handful of clothing rules that one should be aware of. However it is key to note that Ãoni, Giyu as well as the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa tend to have a free pass as feathers, fur and tentacles tend to cover anything that may be found untoward. Of course the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa should still where their cultural clothing as being fully nude is not acceptable for them, they are granted some leeway due to their culture and biology.

For Humans & Khah' though, it's a much different story. For instance, mid-drifts or nipples showing of any kind is not acceptable and even an arrestable offense as it can count as indecent exposure. Be warned too, this counts for both men and women. If you get too hot, get a cloth and soak it in the many available aqueducts, but go topless? Don't you dare. In contrast to this though, airing off by showing some leg is totally fine, as long as your rear and genitals are completely covered and secure.


Tam'nýer—a' being a world of nature, brimming with life, there is a societal obsession with the world around them, most especially in places such as Püertagœ where the social hierarchy is very strong. This is apparent in how women and men of means & high standing paint their faces, although there is the choice to opt out freely without question.

Which colours, you ask? Pinks & reds. This is mainly to mimic spring with connotations the innocence of new life, but also meld the two; species & nature by bringing an allusion to blood.

However, the placement of where make up is acceptable can be viewed oddly by us on Earth, as it is somewhat restricting. For instance, one should never paint their whole face as makeup is supposed to highlight and be reminiscent of nature, therefore only some colours should be introduced but the majority of the face must remain natural, or 'as is'. The blood reds and pretty pinks are used to highlight the eyes and cheekbones, bringing attention to 'our colour', the eyes.

Further still, to accent the eyes, some women, (though rarely men will do so too), use soot and clarified butter to create a traditional idea of what we now today call eyeliner. Or some go farther, if they can afford it, to grind down minerals for their pigment using a similar method to create eyeshadows. The eyeshadow thing however is more prominent in B'hărăbû.

Apart from this and dependent upon how one is dressing for the day and what is revealed, or if anticipating a visit to the bedroom, it is customary to emphasize one's bone structure; e.g., the collarbones at the base of the throat, and the rounding of the shoulders. Some, though mostly found in brothels, will even outline the inside curve of their buttocks, and is the only non bone-structure accentuation.


Traditional Music:

The main instruments of Püertagœ are the Cello, the Harp and the Cimbalom

Püertagœn music is very stringed instrument based. Occasionally there may be touches of brass here and there in the form of cymbals or a trumpet like sound, but for the most part it is strings of varying different types. Like the music of ZàÞça, Püertagœn music tends to be played in layers, for instance on one stage, there may be 5 musicians all playing the same instrument, but each has their own distinct round that they play in order to formulate one single piece of music.

A mix of different kinds of strings in a traditional Püertagœn manner can be heard here:

GnuS Cello

Dino Del Monte

However, there is also a glorious thing that happens with music in Püertagœ as Humans and Khah' are the dominant species' there, it creates a beautiful fusion of their two traditional styles of music. You can listen to what this can sound like below:

Svitlo Concert


For all the information regarding the 12 Greater Families that rule over the whole of Püertagœ, please refer to the Important People page.



Béschmed is the largest farming village just north west of Püertagœ. Here are lush fields of fresh produce, with each farmer specializing in one particular fruit or vegetable. The farmers of Béschmed are well taken care of, and produce not only for themselves but also a good staple of Püertagœ in exchange for good pay, lessened taxes on their land and protection provided by the Püertagœn military.

They also have an open plaza made specifically for selling their products on the road leading to and from the renowned metropolis. These are mainly lantern lit and hosted in the evenings in the height of summer. A good excursion out of town, and a reason for musicians to travel and make an extra bit of coin, as well as publicity as busking is not permitted within the walls of nearby Püertagœ.

On the whole, Béschmed is a village that is self-sustaining. Farmers will exchange baskets of their crops for other crops to get them through winters, and really throughout the year. It is also not an unlikely sight to see farmers making love on the recently harvested crops to make certain that the soil is fertile for the next year. But the most ingenious thing about Béschmed are the streams that are communally taken care of, and protected. No outsiders are permitted to partake in their fish streams; streams that are tight, man-made corrals for fish. The fish live, breed and are fished from these streams, as a means of protein for the farmers, and everyone puts in their time to help with upkeep.


William Cho


Kwetz is a small fishing village that is part of Puertagoe's domain, and therefore under its jurisdiction. It tends to be pretty prosperous as it supplies a good portion of the military's fish, which is one of its main rations as salted fish can be preserved for long periods of time and transports well.

The main reason why Kwetz is as prosperous as it is, is due to its prime location. In between the ocean proper and the Bluş'taji river, that streams in from Fawzia-Kedet to the far north, they have multiple options, which provides, of course, a variety of fish, and room for multiple fishermen.



Wóknă is a trade & agricultural city that is a hub for those Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa that do not wish to travel to major cities such as Fawzia-Kedet or all the way to Püertagœ to do business. In fact, Wóknă is a good supplier of vegetables and fruits for the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa who live high in the mountains, making the trip very worthwhile.

Aside from the main burgeoning marketplace, is Wóknă’s large fields to grow their aforementioned vegetables and fruits. This much is apparent when you come from the roads on the Lungs continent as you venture into Wóknă via its orchards, whereas the hub of their city is by the water.

Wóknă is a place that runs half on P'ee K'äh and half on bartering thanks to their mix of cultures and their close relationship with the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa across the strait. Needless to say, there is very much a sense of community amongst Wóknă locals and visitors. Surprisingly, however, thanks to the matter of distance, you may be taken aback that Wóknă is actually under Püertagœ’s jurisdiction.


A key thing to know before continuing on is that Püertagœ is clearly a powerhouse when it comes to military forces, and that is also bolstered by that fact that in Püertagœ their military is also their police force. There is no separate entity there and that is why the military barracks' are built into two of the 12 Rings that make up the city. So, remember, if you get too drunk at the The Grásh & Flame, you're gonna get hauled out by sides of beef belonging to the military, not some 60 year old overweight commissionaire.

These rules and regulations are subject to change as characters, stories, and the world itself develops.

  1. You are a representative of the military of Püertagœ. Act like it on and off duty.

  2. When in your uniform do not speak to anyone in a way that you would not speak to your commanding officers.

  3. When in uniform you are not permitted to gamble, place bets, or participate in C-bxa’ fights.

  4. No enlisted soldier is permitted to enter a bar, brothel, restaurant, or eatery while wearing their uniform. This rule applies for both on and off duty officers. If you wish to dine out or have a drink you are required to change out of your uniform before engaging in these locations.

  5. When wearing your uniform you are representing not only yourself but all of your brothers and sisters at arms. What shame you bring on yourself is brought on everyone.

  6. When in uniform no matter if you are on or off duty you are not to participate in any rowdy, boisterous, or otherwise impolite behaviour.

  7. Formal Uniform is not to be worn unless instructed or optionally permitted for special events.

  8. All enlisted men and women must keep a well kept, groomed, and tidy appearance on and off duty.

  9. All enlisted men and women must maintain a healthy diet and workout regime.

  10. You cannot consume alcohol or smoke while wearing your uniform, most especially when you are on duty.

  11. No enlisted man or woman is permitted to wear any piece of their uniform by itself on or off duty. You must wear all pieces of the uniform in its proper placement or not wear it at all when off duty.

  12. When on duty you are required to wear all of your uniform in a neat and tidied fashion, with all pieces in their proper place.

  13. Enlisted men and women are not permitted to participate in any protests in their uniform.

  14. Enlisted men and women are not to participate in violent behaviours unless violence is of no choice when detaining a criminal, an act of war, or combative situations.

  15. Hazing, harassing, or bullying of your fellow brothers and sister in arms is absolutely forbidden.

  16. Alcohol and K'wãt are forbidden from being brought in to the barracks.

  17. All enlisted who live within the barracks have a set curfew and must report back to the barracks at the end of each Tam'nýer—a' hour.

  18. Civilians are not permitted within the barracks.

  19. Punishments for any officer caught breaking these rules will result in any of the following: demotion, stripping of your ranks, stripping of pay, or a complete dishonorable discharge. These punishments are given out by your higher commanding officers. However, if severity of acts insists upon it, punishments will come straight from the Marshall. 

*If the Marshall gains wind of any indiscretions or incidents, he may insist on enforcing a punishment and has permission to go over your commanding officers.


Private Recruit (Guard) - Seaman Recruit (Navy)

Salary: 3188 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (382,560 1T year)

Youngest to be recruited and bottom of the rung. This rank is usually only enlisted for new recruits who only have basic training, but this rank is sometimes taken by soldiers who have been demoted due to disciplinary action.
25,000 People

Private (Guard) - Seaman (Navy)

Salary: 3673 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (440.760 1T year)

The basic workforce and strength of the ranks. This rank is the point in which junior soldiers begin the transition from apprentice to journeyman by developing technical and leadership skills.
50,000 People

Guard Specialist - Seaman Specialist

Salary: 4251 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (510,120 1T year)

This rank is focused on a technical expertise and they normally have less personnel leadership responsibilities than Corporals or Petty Officers. However, these men and women are given the same pay grade as a Corporal or Petty Officer.
2,500 People

Corporal (Guard) - Petty Officer (Navy)

Salary: 4251 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (510,120 1T year)

These men and women are leaders of small teams, and are at the bottom of the higher ranks. These leaders are responsible for individual training, personal appearance, and cleanliness of their soldiers. These are the backbone of the workforce. These officers are small team leaders that hold responsibility for teams of no more than 20.
2,500 People

Staff Sergeant (Guard) - Petty Officer First Class (Navy)

Salary: 4835 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (580,200 1T year)

This rank operates where the cannon balls fly and the sword meets the shield. Although they are not the lowest rank where command is exercised, this level is where enlisted soldiers will look to for example. These are the addressed leaders of the Guard and Navy. These officers are the first to receive private property that is issued to them and must be properly maintained. While on duty they are required to be ready at all times to report to the location and activity of all members of their unit. These professionally competent leaders inherently command respect for their authority and the officer must be unquestionably competent in order to carry out the mission directed to them correctly, accomplish each task,and care for assigned soldiers.

This position is not a rank where one learns how to become a leader, there is no apprenticeship for this rank.
To achieve this rank a soldier must be enlisted for no less than 1 Tam'nýer—a''n Month unless otherwise obtaining achievement and surpassing rank with excellency.
300 People

Lieutenant First Class(Guard and Navy)

Salary: 5604 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (672,480 1T year)

This is the apprenticeship rank for a Captain of the Guard or Navy. Soldiers in this class are to follow the commands and carry out missions from their officers and hold charge of their own teams. They’re expected follow through assignments, accomplish assigned tasks, and lead by example. Their commanding officer my offer them additional missions to show promise in succeeding their rank.

To achieve this rank a soldier or sailor must be enlisted for no less than 3 Tam'nýer—a''n Month unless otherwise obtaining achievement and surpassing rank with excellency.
150 People

Captain (Guard and Navy)

Salary: 6722 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (806,640 1T year)

This rank is the Captain of the Guard who enlisted and commands over hundreds of men and women in a large battalion. The Captain of a Naval vessel will be the running captain of their own naval war ship that can carry up to 200 men and women depending the warship they are assigned. Their position is of an extreme importance and must be maintained with respect and competent personability. They are looked at as exemplary examples of dedication, leadership, command, and overall unquestionable competence.

To achieve this rank a soldier or sailor must be enlisted for no less than 5 Tam'nýer—a''n Months unless otherwise obtaining achievement and surpassing rank with excellency and prestige.
150 People

Lieutenant General (Guard) - Vice Admiral (Navy)

Salary: 8865 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (1,063,800 1T year)

The Lieutenant General is a commander that holds captaincy over a major battalion and 15 Captains. The Vice Admiral is a commander and holds captaincy over a major Naval Warship capable of holding up to 450 Soldiers and Sailors.
These men and women are dedicated officers with prestige and honor in their capabilities in holding order and authority of all lower ranks.
10 People

General (Guard) - Admiral (Navy)

Salary: 10668 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (1,280,160 1T year)

The General is a position in which one holds command over all lower ranks and sees to reporting firsthand to the Major General of the Guard. These officers see to the command of no less than 2 Lieutenants at one time. The Admiral of the Navy will see to no less than 2 Vice Admirals and hold rank over all ships in those fleets. The Vice Admiral and General brings communication between their charge to the Major General and the Vice Admiral. These men and women are the epitome of success in their chosen field.
5 People

Major General of the Guard (Guard) - Fleet Admiral (Navy)

Salary: 15078 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (1,809.360 1T year)

The Major General of the Guard answers only to the Marshall and reports directly to the Marshall to connect in with the head command of the Naval officers. There is no higher grade of rank except for that of the Marshall of the Guard or Marshall of the Navy. These officers are in charge of the 5 Generals/Admirals and thus the followed ranks below them. These are specially selected officers chosen by the Marshall. These officers experience and ability are equal to that of the Marshall, but the sphere of influence regarding leadership is generally limited to those directly under their charge.
1 Person

Marshall (Guard or Navy)

Salary: 15800 per Tam'nýer—a''n Week (1,896,000 1T year)

This position is held by only one ranking officer at a time. The holder of this rank is the most senior enlisted member in the guard. Their primary function is to address the issues of enlisted soldiers at highest levels. This individual is only accepted based on their outstanding leadership, extensive experience, and ability to communicate both up and down the guard chain of command. This rank is the highest level of honor. This member of the guard is also seated in the senate.
1 Person



Püertagœ is a city with a very large military and strong acting Navy. With this in mind it has a tendency to produce weapons at high rates. With that in mind it uses primarily Rieárn to produce its weapons. While there are higher ranked men and women in the military that have decorative weapons, those are not the weapons that are used on the field but instead for formal attire and decorated accessory to special events and meetings.

It should be noted that there are two versions of the Dadao. The hilt of the Dadao can be twice its length and used better against cavalry.

These blades are all regularly used by the military, navy, and citizens of Püertagœ who can afford to have one commissioned for themselves. The hilts are usually bound with leather, and adorned with either Nyzal or Prucmé' vî.


Tam'nýer—a'© 2019-2024 by Nicholas Sébastien Faucher-Quesnel

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