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Monotheistic Gods

The Ãoni Goddess


Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii, Goddess of All, who has no consort other than all her Children; the Ãoni. While in Tam'nýer—a' all Gods and Goddess are known to be dead, the Ãoni have a deep-rooted belief that Ŧţ'ra-'kii lives in all of them, as they are all Her children. Every action they do is an action guided by Her hand, every thought is born from Her. They do not breathe without Her permission. To better explain this and give insight; Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii is living through each and every Ãoni simultaneously, living out all 'reincarnations' and 'lives' at once. For instance, if a cat has 9 lives, Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii would be 9 cats co-existing all lives at the same time.

While the Ãoni live in varying colonies, they all carry this belief. Each residence, or nest, is a shrine to Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii and in turn, a part of themselves. Each colony has a leading Matriarch, who's blood was long determined to be from Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii Herself; pooled and split off when she chose to live as she does now, eons ago. Being a part of those families is the only way to ever become Matriarch of a colony. It is a birthright. Despite all being a part of Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii, being a straight descendant of Her body, Her blood, means that you are able to guide and look after your flock, or colony, better than simply being a part of Her Soul, and sharing of Her memory and lives moving forward into the New Age.

The Matriarch Families have never been contested, and live peacefully, leaving the Wars and fights for power to those who 'have no Gods'; the other races inhabiting Tam'nýer—a'. When the Ãoni do fight, it is for their people, for Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii, to let Her live through them as long as they possibly can offer Her life in return for Her giving them theirs and letting them be a vessel for Her.



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Despite the Ãoni being heavily invested in their religion and everyday lives, there are some that do not believe or, in some cases, want more than to simply be a vessel for their Goddess, wanting to live a life for themselves. This also ties into the rare case of Ãoni who still believe in Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii but want to give Her variety of life. All these tend to leave their respective colonies, choosing to live apart from their brethren and live in and amongst the other races in Tam'nýer—a'. Most of the Ãoni who make this choice walk a fine line of ever being able to return to their colony. If they do choose to come 'back into the fold' as it were, they must make offerings to their Matriarch and go through many rituals showing a repentant nature, and a willingness to devote the remaining amount of their lives to Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii.

**The name and existence of Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii to the Ãoni is known to individuals outside of the Ãoni race, but Ŧ'ţ'ra-'kii is worshiped as the Dancing Maid that is Spring to the outside world.


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God of the Zdjętzami


Rather than be a God with a designated gender, or be be distinctly a mix of both, Bezăv is a divine being who stretches from horizon to horizon. Bezăv guides the very suns in the sky, as he equally guides all living creatures from birth to death, from death to their next life, as the Zdjętzami believe in the concept of this life being one amongst an infinite amount.

Due to this, Bezăv is closest to you during the unknowns. Be it in the darkness, or in never before experienced bliss. On top of this, Bezăv lives in shadows, or rather that shadows are manifestations of Bezăv, be it your shadow or of a tree makes little difference. Bezăv is not simply Shadow however. He is Life, Death, as well as everything “Living-but-Voiceless”. Living-but-Voiceless is the world around the Zdjętzami; the breeze in the trees, the waves of the ocean, the light of the suns.

When depicted in a sculpture is usually with left hands up and open next to his face, and going down the side of his body, while his right hands are level with his heart and then panning down. This position bares, not only a physical but symbolic resemblance to the scales of justice here on Earth. Through Bezăv's fingers flow the sands of time which is not simply the sands of time, but the dust and ash we become when we die. Again, the symbolism is very deep as the falling of the dust and ash further represents the multiple lives in which the Zdjętzami live, as are the number of hands this dust and ash fall through.

It should be noted that Bezăv's hair is usually depicted as golden or white to show the contrast that he is the light (of the suns) rising from his “physical” body which is represented by shadow. The number of his arms represent not only the variety of lives either but also the sweeping of the suns through the skies to night, as life to death; “born from shadow to light of life, and to dust, floating on the winds to the next plane of existence.”

This all being said, Bezăv is the god of the monotheistic religion worshiped by the Zdjętzami people. Similar in concept to Tam'nyer-a''s Uu'krievan due to the heavily focused importance of death and reincarnation to the Zdjętzami people. Furthermore, thanks to the Zdjętzami's isolation from the rest of Tam'nýer—a', no other species even knows of the existence of Bezăv.

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