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Tam'nýer—a' began being developed on July 6th, 2017, while Ron Quesnel (Nicholas Sébastien's father) was in the hospital. It stemmed from the mere idea of creating a ship as a role-playing location and rapidly evolved as the Ãoni formulated, becoming the first race, aside from Humans, to be created. 

Ron passed away on the morning of July 21st of the same year. However, he was aware of Tam'nýer—a' and whilst being told about the Ãoni was the last time Ron told his son, Nicholas Sébastien, that he was proud of him and how creative he was.

Understandably, Tam'nýer—a' holds immense sentimental meaning. And after his passing, Tam'nýer—a' exploded with development. Truthfully, Tam'nýer—a' is a dedication to Nicholas Sébastien's father, and a coping mechanism for the deep loss.


It is Nicholas Sébastien's love for nature, colour and life manifested in honour of Ron, the very man who instilled these things in him. That being said, if you find yourself inspired by the world of Tam'nýer—a', thank you. It is a way to carry on Ron Quesnel's legacy as he inspired so many.

Ron Quesnel

Since that fateful July 6, back in 2017, Tam'nýer—a' has grown to be a world that hosts many different characters to writers across the globe. Currently, Tam'nýer—a' hosts roughly 20 writers and is growing still. 

The people that make up the writers group of Tam'nýer—a' are colloquially referred to as the 'Tam Fam'.  As Tam'nýer—a' continues to grow, many members of Tam Fam have helped by adding their own flavour & creativity to the world, further solidifying that great things happen when people come together, especially when in tandem with a creative outlet.


Inspiration begets inspiration.

Nicholas Sébastien

or Demi in Tam Fam

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